Conversion Optimization Round-up – May 2022
Together we will explore 5 new rules of landing page testing from the ever-popular Unbounce. Guess The Test stumped me this month when they asked what filter order won. You will enjoy the article from The Marketing Sherpa; three case studies are examined, including one from Coors Light and how they got 8 million impressions by partnering with a popular podcast. And last but not least, VWO talks about SEO testing.
You’re Doing Landing Page Testing Wrong: These Are The 5 Rules To Do It Right
Unbounce has prepared a great article all about landing pages and the power they can hold. This article talks about what happens when landing page testing goes wrong. Also, some of the agency powers to focus on, such as prioritizing a small group of low-effort tests.
However, the main focus of this article is the 5 new rules of landing page testing. We particularly liked rule 2- focus aggressively on how the offer is presented. This rule shares that more often, you won’t need to change your offer or goals; however, you need to find a way to create more motivation by creating compelling copy.
Below is a list of the 5 rules for you to explore:
- Traffic conversion intent must follow call-to-action (CTA) intent.
- Focus aggressively on the offer itself.
- Use the Breadcrumb Technique on your forms.
- Don’t stop at the “Thank You” page.
- Go all-in on Smart Traffic.
Which Filter Order Won? “Best Result” Placed First or Last?
We got this one wrong- how did you do? From the poll, many more of us got it wrong than right. This experiment from Guess the Test tested whether placing the “Best Results” option in the filter menu was best placed first or last.
It turns out that when it came to Dell, the popular computer company’s “deals” webpage, customers were more inclined to engage when viewing Price: Low to High first.
For this test, the filter menu categories were ordered as follows:
With version B being the clear winner, it is safe to say- the results may not always be as they seem. Keep in mind that small changes can make a huge difference. Something as simple as testing the side filter could net you large returns.
This is a great article to remind us always to be testing, and nothing is too minor to test.
Customer Engagement: Marketing case studies from Coors Light, a professional soccer team & a private jet charter
As always, we can count on The Marketing Sherpa to present us with case studies that make us stop and take notice. This month is no different.
The first case study shares how a private jet charter company got 17% more interest after adding a catchy opening paragraph to its homepage. Case study #2 is about Valencia’s football club and how they gained 5808 new newsletter subscribers by gathering zero and first-party data collection. Moving forward, we will see a lot more companies move from third-party data (i.e., tracking cookies) to zero and first-party information. This information is intentionally provided by the customer, allowing for more genuine and honest relationships.
And the final case study is brought to you by Coors Light. We learned by partnering with a popular podcast and being a presenting sponsor of the Pardon My Take’s 5th annual Grit Week, Coors Light had some massive results.
“Authentic endorsement is the key to all podcast partnerships,” said Lisa Jacobs, VP of Media.
Below is an example of a CRO (conversion rate optimization) loop used in all tests Linear uses.
Here are the results of this campaign.
- 23 million minutes of Grit Week content were watched
- The brand received 8 million new impressions
- Over 166,000 engagements
As always The Marketing Sherpa has delivered some great stuff!
Why You Should Test Your SEO Ideas Before You Ship Them
According to VWO, your conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategy needs two areas to run well. Search engine optimization (SEO) and A/B testing.
SEO has evolved into its own world, and Google keeps changing its algorithm, making SEO something to be constantly tested. By routinely optimizing your landing pages to improve the user experience (UX), Google is signaled. Resulting in Google incentivizing you with a higher ranking.
One of the top factors for ranking is user intent. Although hard to predict your visitors’ behaviors, there is good news. It is possible to run A/B testing without impacting your SEO negatively. And on top of it, Google encourages you to A/B test your SEO changes.
Googlebot then crawls these changes to help Google learn the new information and better rank you.
Be sure to read through this entire article for information not to be missed.
In Summary
Did you know that 61% of companies test their landing pages up to five times per month! Where do you stand when it comes to testing?
We hope this month’s round-up offered you some insight into what steps you should take to move forward.
Let us close with a quote we love:
“I don’t care much for Best Practice — I care about conversions. That’s why I test”
– Michael Aagaard
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