Conversion Optimization Round-up – August 2021
We will share some tips for writing a good product description to get consumers to notice you. What mistakes are you still making on your landing page? We have that list for you. Next, we want you to check out the ultimate handbook on writing the perfect call-to-action from VWO; let’s start maximizing your website conversions. Furthermore, Guess the Test shares with us their experiment if you should use a padlock or not. And finally, Widerfunnel gives you six factors to increase your conversion rate. Yes, we agree this is quite the lineup. Let’s get those conversion rates up! That’s the goal, right?
Tips for Writing a Good Product Description for eCommerce Websites
Invesp has compiled tips for writing a good product description for your eCommerce websites. Knowing the amount of effort and time you put into your business, it must be frustrating when you do not see that effort translated into the conversions you want. There could be many reasons, but the one Invesp has noticed recently is your description to the consumers. Does the description you currently have entice them?
This article will also ask you some good questions to consider. Does your description include these essential details such as:
- Price,
- Shipping costs,
- Product availability,
- Product specifications (e.g., color, size)
- Product features etc.
This article will also help you determine the right keywords to use by asking about keyword difficulty, search volume, and related terms. Knowing your audience is key to determining how to describe your eCommerce website in a description that grabs hold of your consumers.
According to Julia McCoy:
“The whole point of search is to help users find exactly what they’re looking for. If your product descriptions align with this goal, you’re going to please Google and rank well. “
This article is filled with useful tips such as enticing with storytelling, using both features and benefits and writing a scannable copy. These are just some of the tips to start implementing today. This article is not to miss.

Invespcro (https://www.invespcro.com/)
The Top Landing Page Mistakes You’re Still Making in 2021 (and How to Fix ‘Em)
Do you feel you’re listening to all the advice, making necessary changes, and following what the pros are doing, yet still don’t have the conversions you want? It could be possible you are making some critical mistakes. The latest article from Unbounce is here to lay out some of the top mistakes eCommerce websites are making and how to find the right balance for you and your company.
We won’t dive into them all here, but some of these critical mistakes include driving all your traffic to one generic landing page. Does this sound like you? Ever heard the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” This is what you are doing when you only have one generic landing page. Not everyone is the same; you need to tailor different landing pages to appeal to different users. According to HubSpot research, companies with 31-40 landing pages get seven times as many leads as companies with only 1-5 different pages. We know that seems like a lot but remember, small steps in the right direction will eventually get you there.
Another huge mistake eCommerce businesses make is to try to close on cold audiences. You need to pre-heat the oven before you can stick the turkey in. One huge mistake Unbounce found was too many landing pages are designed as tools for closing the deal. The goal of your landing page when reaching out to new consumers should be to familiarize them with your brand. Don’t be the company that scares them away before they even get a chance to know you.
Here is an example from Industrial Strength Marketing. They offer you a chance to get to know them by offering you free knowledge in the form of an ebook. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and not have your new visitor run for the hills.

Unbounce (https://unbounce.com/)
The Ultimate Handbook on Writing the Perfect Call-To-Action
Too many marketing teams neglect the CTA’s (call-to-action) across their platforms. VWO shares that more than 70% of small business websites lack a CTA on their homepage, and of those companies that do, many don’t know how to formulate them properly. That’s what this handbook is all about—teaching you how to utilize CTAs to promote more conversions. That’s what it’s all about, right?
This article explains the different types of CTA’s and where to use them, as well as teaches you six ways to write a persuasive CTA. (For an in-depth explanation, see VWO’s article in full)
- Using action words in the copy is a must
- Stir up those emotions
- Creativity is key
- Take your audience to the land of promises
- Play with colours and choose the best size
- Appeal to their FOMO
Did you know colour is one of the biggest overlooked factors when designing your CTA’s? According to a study by Emma, 85% of people purchase a specific product or service based on colour.

Guess the Test – With or without the padlock icon?
Once again, Guess the Test is providing us with the results from their in-depth testing. This time, should you include the padlock icon or not? Now, we don’t want to give away the results, but let’s just say your guess on the experiment’s outcome is probably right.
The padlock icon is an easily understood, relatable image we have come to trust. It’s confidence-boosting; it gives us a sense of security knowing we are in good hands. Giving your consumers reassurance is one of the easiest ways to make conversions.

GuessTheTest (https://guessthetest.com)
Take a look and see the results from another in-depth test from Guess the Test to see just why this icon is so important.
Use These Six Factors to Increase Your Conversion Rate – The LIFT™ Model
Using LIFT™, a Landing Page Influence Function for Tests is an optimization framework developed for WiderFunnel to analyze conversion pages and develop test hypotheses; you will be able to increase your conversion rate by simply following this article.

Widerfunnel (https://www.widerfunnel.com/)
These are the six factors to use to increase your conversions rates.
- Value Proposition
- Relevance
- Clarity
- Anxiety
- Distraction
- Urgency
Widerfunnel recently began working with Rudder.com, a free personal financial management service, and used the LIFT™ method to evaluate their homepage. This article goes into detail about the 18 factors identified as priorities for testing. Does your landing page have some of these same errors? If so, they explain how to fix them easily so you can start having a better conversion rate today.
This new LIFT™ model is proven to deliver results to everyone, don’t miss out.
This month we sure have given you lots to look over and consider. What small or large steps are you taking this month to get more conversions?