Conversion Optimization Round-up – July 2022

Conversion Optimization Round-up – July 2022

As the summer hits the halfway mark, let us take a minute and ask ourselves, have we been playing a little harder than working?

Did you know that conversion rate optimization is being Googled more than ever, and companies spend around $2000 per month on CRO tools? VentureBeat did a study that revealed that, on average, when using conversion rate optimization tools, there was an average Return on Investment (ROI) of 223%! Even more reason to continue exploring what CRO tools work best for you.

This month’s lineup will help get you on your way to success. We share an article from VWO and answer what Hicks Law is and why it’s so important. The Marketing Sherpa shares three case studies, all geared to help your customers believe your marketing message. Guess the Test answers what phone number page layout provided the best results for a major bank in the UK, the accordion drop-down or the standard number list? And finally, we visit VWO again to discuss winning testing results using CRO research. 

As you continue reading, think about what could work for your business and how you would implement it.

What is Hicks Law?

Ever find yourself at the ice cream shop with 30 different flavors to choose from, and it takes forever to decide what one you want? It’s quick to understand why the line was so long. When we add new options or variations, it becomes difficult to see what’s in front of us. We can become disinterested very fast- the same goes for your customers.

Hicks law is a basic user design principle, that helps alleviate some of the pains of decision-making. This law states- the more choices, the longer it will take to decide. Below is the formula for Hick’s Law.

Image source: Hubspot

This article from VWO also talks about high-velocity testing and why it is critical to simplify the user experience.

Below is a list of variations you could test for.

  • Multi-step form vs. email-only accounts
  • Two third-party platforms vs. 3 with no email-option
  • Collapsible form fields vs. static fields

It’s easy to see why we enjoyed this article from VWO.

How Customers Believe Your Marketing Message

Ever try to get your point across to someone, and they just aren’t getting it? We agree this is frustrating, even more so when your business is on the line. This article from The Marketing Sherpa brings you three case studies, all geared to help make believers out of your customers.

The first case study is from Pizza Hut. This popular pizza chain has an in-house startup focused on the experience of its digital users.

The digital ventures team noticed that customers were not clicking on the popular deals page. It was time for testing. Learn how this team turned a simple A/B test into a projected increase in sales of $7.8 million by helping direct their customer exactly where they wanted them to go.


Case study #3 was very neat; it explained how one owner set out to use YouTube and its influencers to improve sales. They list the process from start to finish in this article from The Marketing Sherpa.

Which Page Layout Reduced Call Volumes?

In my opinion, this A/B test from Guess the Test was pretty obvious. Which page layout would reduce call volumes the most? The standard phone list or a categorized drop-down accordion list?

A major UK bank’s call volume was incredibly high. While using the standard phone list, 50% of callers were phoning the wrong number looking for specific banking issues. This was a problem that needed fixing.

Although this study was flawed due to the traffic split of 75/25, it’s safe to say the accordion style is more user-friendly, resulting in a 12% reduction in calls.

This article also goes on to talk about the scan-ability of your webpage. Did you know only 16% of users will read every word? Learn how to make your website more skimmable and scannable to improve your user’s experience.

Learn How to Get Winning Ideas with Conversion Research

Conversion research is vital. Before you test, you must know what and why you are testing. Going in blind will never yield the same results as a carefully considered A/B test.

Below is a list of possible achieved goals when proper conversion research is performed.

  • Write copy that aligns with your customer’s needs and reduces their fears.
  • Catch existing user experience errors.
  • Help understand the user behaviors
  • Provide user-friendly designs that help your customers.

VWO also provides you with a seven-item checklist to help you evaluate the useability pains of your website. Items such as; are your website elements consistent across all webpages? Is the text on your webpage readable? Find out the entire list in the article.

Remember, A/B testing was ranked the highest method for improving conversions by almost 50%. However, you must know what to test and why.

This article goes on to break down the four pillars for analysis.

  • Heuristic analysis
  • Technical analysis
  • Behavior analysis
  • Qualitative & Voice of Customer (VoC) research

Once again, another great article from VWO not to be missed.

In Summary

Let’s end with a saying from my grandmother; take what you need and leave the rest. Take a look and see what tips and tricks you can use to get better conversions and make more profits!

Remember, if you are not testing, constantly trying to improve, your competitors most likely are. What steps are you taking today?

Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” ~ H James Harrington

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Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – May 2022

Conversion Optimization Round-up – May 2022

This month’s round-up is one not to be missed. We have chosen some great articles from those we have come to trust.

Together we will explore 5 new rules of landing page testing from the ever-popular Unbounce. Guess The Test stumped me this month when they asked what filter order won. You will enjoy the article from The Marketing Sherpa; three case studies are examined, including one from Coors Light and how they got 8 million impressions by partnering with a popular podcast. And last but not least, VWO talks about SEO testing.

You’re Doing Landing Page Testing Wrong: These Are The 5 Rules To Do It Right

Unbounce has prepared a great article all about landing pages and the power they can hold. This article talks about what happens when landing page testing goes wrong. Also, some of the agency powers to focus on, such as prioritizing a small group of low-effort tests.

However, the main focus of this article is the 5 new rules of landing page testing. We particularly liked rule 2- focus aggressively on how the offer is presented. This rule shares that more often, you won’t need to change your offer or goals; however, you need to find a way to create more motivation by creating compelling copy.


Below is a list of the 5 rules for you to explore:

  1. Traffic conversion intent must follow call-to-action (CTA) intent.
  2. Focus aggressively on the offer itself.
  3. Use the Breadcrumb Technique on your forms.
  4. Don’t stop at the “Thank You” page.
  5. Go all-in on Smart Traffic.

Which Filter Order Won? “Best Result” Placed First or Last?

We got this one wrong- how did you do? From the poll, many more of us got it wrong than right. This experiment from Guess the Test tested whether placing the “Best Results” option in the filter menu was best placed first or last.

It turns out that when it came to Dell, the popular computer company’s “deals” webpage, customers were more inclined to engage when viewing Price: Low to High first.

For this test, the filter menu categories were ordered as follows:

Guess The Test

With version B being the clear winner, it is safe to say- the results may not always be as they seem. Keep in mind that small changes can make a huge difference. Something as simple as testing the side filter could net you large returns.

This is a great article to remind us always to be testing, and nothing is too minor to test.

Customer Engagement: Marketing case studies from Coors Light, a professional soccer team & a private jet charter

As always, we can count on The Marketing Sherpa to present us with case studies that make us stop and take notice. This month is no different.

The first case study shares how a private jet charter company got 17% more interest after adding a catchy opening paragraph to its homepage. Case study #2 is about Valencia’s football club and how they gained 5808 new newsletter subscribers by gathering zero and first-party data collection. Moving forward, we will see a lot more companies move from third-party data (i.e., tracking cookies) to zero and first-party information. This information is intentionally provided by the customer, allowing for more genuine and honest relationships.

And the final case study is brought to you by Coors Light. We learned by partnering with a popular podcast and being a presenting sponsor of the Pardon My Take’s 5th annual Grit Week, Coors Light had some massive results.

“Authentic endorsement is the key to all podcast partnerships,” said Lisa Jacobs, VP of Media.

Below is an example of a CRO (conversion rate optimization) loop used in all tests Linear uses.

Marketing Sherpa

Here are the results of this campaign.

  • 23 million minutes of Grit Week content were watched
  • The brand received 8 million new impressions
  • Over 166,000 engagements

As always The Marketing Sherpa has delivered some great stuff!

Why You Should Test Your SEO Ideas Before You Ship Them

According to VWO, your conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategy needs two areas to run well. Search engine optimization (SEO) and A/B testing.

SEO has evolved into its own world, and Google keeps changing its algorithm, making SEO something to be constantly tested. By routinely optimizing your landing pages to improve the user experience (UX), Google is signaled. Resulting in Google incentivizing you with a higher ranking.


One of the top factors for ranking is user intent. Although hard to predict your visitors’ behaviors, there is good news. It is possible to run A/B testing without impacting your SEO negatively. And on top of it, Google encourages you to A/B test your SEO changes.

Googlebot then crawls these changes to help Google learn the new information and better rank you.

Be sure to read through this entire article for information not to be missed.

In Summary

Did you know that 61% of companies test their landing pages up to five times per month! Where do you stand when it comes to testing?

We hope this month’s round-up offered you some insight into what steps you should take to move forward.

Let us close with a quote we love:

“I don’t care much for Best Practice — I care about conversions. That’s why I test”

 – Michael Aagaard

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Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Affiliate Case Study – 43.1% Increase in Revenue Per Visitor

Affiliate Case Study – 43.1% Increase in Revenue Per Visitor

The Website:

This website is an Amazon affiliate site in the home heating and cooling niche. 

What We Tested And Why:

For this test we added a product rating above the call-to-action buttons on the comparison tables of the review pages. By giving visitors that bit of extra information, we thought it would help people to make an informed decision on which product to purchase and encourage them to buy. 

We also added a sticky anchor button which appeared at the bottom of the page once you scrolled down further than the comparison table section. This button would return users back up to the section. By adding this, we thought it would allow users to quickly return and click through to buy the product, once they had read the full reviews further down the page and made a decision.

The Test Details:

The desktop version of the product rating is shown below:

The mobile version of the product rating is shown below:
The desktop version of the sticky anchor is shown below:
The mobile version of the sticky anchor is shown below:
The mobile version of the sticky anchor is shown below:

The Test Results:

We saw an overall increase in clicks per visitor of 6.5%, a 67.7% increase in orders per visitor and a 43.1% increase in revenue per visitor. 

For all the data of the pages we tested combined, we reached a 99% confidence level. 

The heatmaps also confirm that the product rating helped in increasing engagement in the comparison table section. 

Are you ready to increase your conversion rate on your own website?

Why not claim our free CRO audit that can increase your conversions anywhere from 20-100+%? 

Answer a few questions and we’ll send over the personalized audit by email!

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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eCommerce Case Study – 12.7% Increase in Revenue

eCommerce Case Study – 12.7% Increase in Revenue

The Website:

This is a cro case study for an Australian owned and managed business called Factory to Home, which sells quality furniture and homeware to Australians. They realised there was a gap in the market for buying home goods at an affordable price with quick and reliable delivery. 

They established relationships directly with suppliers which allowed them to secure low pricing for their customers. They also made sure to use reliable couriers to ensure a seamless delivery. Lastly, they employed a great team of customer support staff which all amounted to an overall smooth customer experience.

They now have warehouses located all over the country, and are able to ship most items within 1 working day. They provide full transparency around their supply chain and have created a win-win scenario for both customers and suppliers.

Test Details & Background:

For this test we added shipping, warranty, and payment information on the product pages, while also popping open the details when the links are clicked so that users can get answers for their FAQs without leaving the product pages.

By doing this we are reducing the steps to checking out and creating a streamlined experience. It is often at the checkout stage that people’s fears about buying online come into play. By addressing them at the point that they are adding the product to cart, they can move forward with the purchase, by getting all the answers then and there, without leaving the page. 

The Test Details:

We added the FAQ pop-up section at the bottom of the product page below the product description. 

The desktop version is shown below:

The mobile version is shown below:

Once users clicked any of the FAQ links, a pop-up appears on screen as below:

The Test Results:

The following results are for desktop and mobile combined. 

We saw an 18.1% increase in the rate of order completion and 12.7% increase in revenue per visitor.

Our changes on desktop reached statistical significance with a 96% confidence level. Our results on mobile didn’t reach statistical significance, but we rolled out the results on mobile as we saw no negative impact. 

Are you ready to increase your conversion rate on your own website?

Why not claim our free CRO audit that can increase your conversions anywhere from 20-100+%? 

Answer a few questions and we’ll send over the personalized audit by email!

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – March 2022

Conversion Optimization Round-up – March 2022

This month we are talking about customer perception, how to optimize your landing and checkout page, and what your potential customers are really looking for.

Did you know that most companies spend about $1 on conversion rate optimization for every $92 spent on customer acquisition! Yes, I’m shaking my head also- that’s crazy. However, the top converting companies spend over 5% of their budget on conversion rate optimization. Ask yourself where do you stand?

Today let’s look at a few great articles from those sites we have come to trust, beginning with Guess the Test asking us what’s more important, time or Money? The Marketing Sherpa shares 3 great case studies, one asking if a contact form on the homepage is beneficial or not. We look at 11 usability tools for landing page performance from Linear Design. And finally, we learn about optimizing your landing page checkout with 5 useful tips from Unbounce.

Time or Money? Which offer converts better?

Guess the Test shares a great test with us. This one has a few flaws. We find the flawed studies just as good to evaluate as the well-done tests. When we review these, we can learn what not to do.

This test is brought to you by a phone company connecting families and friends to those in India. The test aimed around the call to action button with one reading the number of bonus minutes (241) over free credit ($3). Which one do you think faired best?

Guess The Test

Regardless of the outcome, this test was flawed. During the total time of this test, 19,000 PhoneIndia subscribers received emails. 50% of those emails were sent with 25% describing an extra 241 minutes, and the other 25% reading a free $3 credit. The remaining 50% were then sent to the winning call to action button. In turn, this left us without clear results. Traffic needs to be equally allocated and no changes should be made throughout the entire study.

This article also goes on to discuss the “Rule of 100”. In Johan Berger’s book Contagious, he goes into depth saying products should be priced to influence perception, so buyers feel they’re getting the best deal possible. Learn more about this rule and how to ensure you are running precise tests.

Pull The Customer Forward: 3 quick marketing case studies

Ever wish you could tell a customer what to do and they’d actually listen? Yea, we make that same wish all the time. However, that’s not the case. We have to spark ideas and help guide them to where we want them. With a little practice, this process can be achieved.

Take the study done by Century Law Group an injury lawyer firm, they tested two landing page options, one with a number and form to fill out and one with just a number. This result surprised us. The landing page using the form as a clear call to action was the ultimate winner with conversions 53.2% better.

Marketing Sherpa

The reason behind this is those needing the services of a personal injury lawyer have enough on their minds. They need clear direction on where to go to get the help needed. If you’re in a similar industry where emotions run high, be sure to test your landing page using the form method.

Read this complete article for two other interesting case studies from the Marketing Sherpa.

11 Usability Testing Tools to Improve Landing Page Performance

We love this quote from Dana Chisnell Want your users to fall in love with your designs? Fall in love with your users.” This couldn’t be truer. The more you know about your customers and potential customers the more you can generate a page they will use. And in turn a product or service they will buy.

They say the most common user action on a website is to flee it. Liner Design looks at 11 usability testing tools to help improve your landing page. 

Before you dive into this article to find what usability testing tool will work best for you, there are a few things you need to know. Beginning with asking yourself what you want out of it?

The platform you use is dependent on the test you design. Here are a few things to determine.

  1. Narrowing your research questions and your hypothesis
  2. What type of data do you need to collect?

These answers will help you decide what usability testing method you should use.

Below is an example of a CRO (conversion rate optimization) loop used in all tests Linear uses.

Linear Design

Optimize Your Landing Page Checkout Process with These 5 Tips

This article is all about A/B testing (aka: controlled experimentation). Andrew Hon from Medium shares with you a talk he gave to product managers from around the world. He explains the vital reasons why A/B testing is necessary for the growth of your company.

Three main points:

  1. A/B testing is a simple idea that can be simple to apply
  2. Useful for more than incremental optimization — A/B tests can yield deep insight
  3. Fail Fast and Just Test It — A/B tests have the highest ROI of any data activity

Andrew worked for both Disney and Tinder building the A/B test to improve usability and overall growth of the companies. This article takes examples from both. Including, this test from tinder determining what iconography to use.


Make sure to include options to register using an existing Facebook or Google account. This easy sign-up option will add to the number of potential customers willing to sign-up.

This article is loaded with some great stuff you need to know today.

In Summary

We want to close with this great quote from Bryan Eisenberg.

“Trying to increase sales simply by driving more traffic to a website with a poor customer conversion rate is like trying to keep a leaky bucket full by adding more water instead of plugging the holes.”

You need to understand what your customers need, and you must deliver. Traffic doesn’t mean conversions. 

See you next month!

Are you interested in a free conversion optimization audit?

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Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Affiliate Case Study – 10x Increase in Sales

Affiliate Case Study – 10x Increase in Sales

Today we’re bringing you part 2 of our Affiliate Case Study

The Website:

This website is in the adult niche and reviews products that are sold on various eCommerce stores. 

Test Details & Background:

For this test we added an in-house designed exit popup and sticky footer which contained a call-to-action button to compel users to click through to see the top product. 

By clicking the button they would be redirected to view the product on the store product page. 

Below is the mockup of the exit popup on desktop:

Below is a mockup of the exit popup on mobile:

Below is a mockup of the sticky footer on desktop:

Below is a mockup of the sticky footer on mobile:

The Results:

The tests ran for 3 weeks, to reach a 99% confidence level.

7 out of the 10 pages we tested had an increase in clicks, with the overall increase for the 10 pages being 29.6%.

6 out of the 10 pages had an increase in orders, and increase in revenue. 

The overall increase in sales per visitor was over 10x the original and the increase in revenue per visitor was over 50x.

On mobile specifically, having long sales copy with infrequent call to actions can drastically hinder conversion, as in this example. By always having a call to action floating at the bottom of the mobile device screen, just above the user’s thumb, the user can quickly click it without having to navigate around your site to look for a call to action. 

Think about it like this, once they are reading through your sales copy and subconsciously say “Yes, this is for me”, you want to have that call to action right there for them to click when they are ready to buy.

Although very simple, conversion tactics like these are some of the best performing for many of our clients.

Are you ready to increase your conversion rate on your own website?

Why not claim our free CRO audit that can increase your conversions anywhere from 20-100+%? 

Answer a few questions and we’ll send over the personalized audit by email!

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – February 2022

Conversion Optimization Round-up – February 2022

In this month’s Round-up we bring you valuable information regarding A/B testing and how, when, and where to use it.

Today you will learn from Guess the Test about using the top display banner or notVWO looks at the widely successful Bear Mattress, and how they are improving revenue. Marketing Sherpa shares three-speed to value marketing case studies featuring A/B testing. And finally, Medium offers us a wealth of knowledge all about- you guessed it, A/B testing.

The articles we have set forth today will explain why A/B testing is so vital for the success of your business. As Chris Grosser says, “Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.”  So, sit back and get inspired.

With or Without the Top Product Display Banner

A/B testing is what Guess the Test is all about, and this month is no different. The company used for this month’s test was a guitar company named SweetWater. The KPI (Key Performance Indicator) was engagement measured by unique views of guitar product detail pages, Average Order Value (AOV), and purchases of guitars.

Version A used a top-placed display banner above the featured item, and version B did not. Which one do you think came out above? Yup, you are right – version A was the clear winner. The study ran for one month and saw over 2.2 million sessions. The traffic from these visits was split evenly 50/50.

Guess The Test

Compared to the version without the top banner, including it led to:

  • 118% conversion lift in unique views of guitar product detail pages 
  • 5.72% increase in Average Order Value (AOV)
  • 6.64% rise in purchases containing a guitar

Time To Value: 3 Speed-To-Value Marketing Case Studies

We love sharing the case studies from the Marketing Sherpa. Today is all about rapidly getting the attention of your potential customers and providing them the value they require before they help send your bounce rate soaring.

The first case study brings you to Talkspace, an online couple’s therapy that used an A/B test to determine if shortening an end-of-quiz animation would increase conversions. Well, it did, by a staggering 60%. By getting out of the customer’s way, Talkspace brought the information the customers needed faster, in turn generating more returns.

Marketing Sherpa

Version A tested an animation for signup at 8 seconds, version B shortened this process to 4 seconds. Results showed version B outscored version A by 60%. In addition to testing different video lengths, you should test different video locations and run testing on the checkout flow.

How Bear Mattress Leveraged Cross-Sell Opportunities with VWO and Increased Revenue By 16% – Success Story

We love to share success stories with you, especially when we see huge numbers like these. Founded in 2014, this mattress company with a vision to change the way we sleep, aspired to some massive goals. And with continued testing and adjusting, they are getting there.

The goal of their latest test was to aim at increasing revenue by focusing on optimizing the cross-sell flow on the mattress product detail pages of the website.

They determined using VWO Insights that:

  1. There wasn’t much visitor interaction within the frequently bought with mattress section. Which consists of the cross-sell product listings.
  2. Overall clicks on cross-sell products were fewer compared to the other elements of the page.
  3. Images weren’t showing with items present in the ‘frequently bought with mattress’ section of the page, which was impacting the engagement.
  4. The copy was not customer-centric but product-centric. It did not pique interest or give enough reasons to customers to consider buying the product.


Overall, the variation outperformed the control with a 24.18% uplift in successful purchases and a 16.21% increase in revenue. Take a look and see how you can implement a test like this for your website.

A/B Testing for Product Managers

This article is all about A/B testing (aka: controlled experimentation). Andrew Hon from Medium shares with you a talk he gave to product managers from around the world. He explains the vital reasons why A/B testing is necessary for the growth of your company.

Three main points:

  1. A/B testing is a simple idea that can be simple to apply
  2. Useful for more than incremental optimization — A/B tests can yield deep insight
  3. Fail Fast and Just Test It — A/B tests have the highest ROI of any data activity

Andrew worked for both Disney and Tinder building the A/B test to improve usability and overall growth of the companies. This article takes examples from both. Including, this test from tinder determining what iconography to use.


This article also discusses some critical testing from the widely successful SpaceX. Don’t miss this great article from Medium.

In Summary

As a takeaway- a collection of quotes from the ones who have gotten it right!

Jeff Bezos, Amazon: “Our success at Amazon is a function of how many experiments we do per year, per month, per week, per day.”

Google: “… Experimentation is practically a mantra; we evaluate almost every change that potentially affects what our users experience.”

Netflix: “… Every product change Netflix considers goes through a rigorous A/B testing process before becoming the default user experience.”

We hope this sparked some ideas for you. Remember, if we are not testing and improving, we are not growing. What areas of your site could use a re-vamp?

See you next month!

Are you interested in a free conversion optimization audit?

Submit your site and let us send you a list of custom optimizations just for you!

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Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Top 7 Conversion Rate Optimization Trends for 2022

Top 7 Conversion Rate Optimization Trends for 2022

Did you know that since the start of the pandemic, e-commerce businesses rose by a whopping 17.9%? 

How did you fare last year? 

As the new year falls upon us, it is time to take a serious look at our goals for the coming year. No, we are not saying to make a resolution list- we all know these don’t work. We are talking about asking yourself honestly, where do I want to be at the end of the year? What do I want my business to look like? And how do I get there?

By the time you get to the end of this article, we are confident you will have more concrete answers to these questions.


1. Understanding Your Audience

Understanding your audience can be the difference between someone who visits your site and a customer who helps yield results. That’s why you are here, right? 

As we move into 2022, more and more people want to be heard – gone are the days of a generic site geared to everyone. You need to stand out.

Let me explain. 

I know it may sound creepy but track your customer’s interests. Learn their behaviors, find out what social media platforms they use, what blogs they read, what grabs their attention? With this knowledge, you can run specifically targeted ads. Not only does this help minimize the amount you spend on ads but will almost guarantee you are maximizing the revenue from those ads. 

Another keyway to understand your clientele is to send out surveys. I know what you are thinking, who does those things anyway? Your current customers are likely willing to help. If they know it’s all to better serve them, they might jump at the chance to help. This, coupled with any online feedback you already get from existing customers is a great place to start. 



Remember, if you don’t ask, the answer will always be no. 

Let’s look at a few more tips to help you better understand your audience and gain more conversions.

Tips to help understand your audience

  • Communicate with them – ask them what they want and listen.
  • Use social media networks to learn what interests them.
  • Show them who is working behind the screen – let them get to know you and your team.
  • Be approachable.
  • Use online tools such as Audience Analytics and chatbots.
  • Learn your demographic.

2. Minimizing Website Load Times

You know it, I know it, we all know it – waiting for a website to load is a sure-fire way to get someone to exit your site and move on. We live in a world of instant gratification. Nobody wants to wait for a slow webpage. 

Crazy Egg

It doesn’t take much to get a user to abandon your site. If you have a delay of even 100 milliseconds, that could send your potential user to your competitor. On average this small delay could result in a 7% decrease in conversions. 

Did you know if a smartphone user must wait close to 3 seconds for a webpage to load, you have a 53% chance they leave your site? Those are huge numbers!  

Let’s break down what a 1-second delay in upload time can mean.

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 7% decrease in conversions
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction
  • 47% of potential customers believe a page should load in less than 2 seconds.
  • 79% of customers said they would not return to a slow site – ever! 

If the potential customer won’t stay to see what you have to offer, everything else you have done or will do means nothing. 

Ways to improve website loading time.

  • Reduce the file size of your images and videos. 
  • Use JPG when possible. 
  • Optimize your design for mobile users
  • Reduce your redirects
  • Cache your webpages

3. Optimize Your Design for Mobile Users

We mentioned this above as a way to improve the speed of your site, but this deserves a deeper dive. Historically, desktop users convert to more sales because desktop users are more often in the buying state of mind than mobile users. This, however, is starting to balance out a bit more.

Today, everyone has a smartphone. Anyone can access your website from anywhere in the world. Experts predict that as we move forward, mobile users will be just as important as desktop users if not more so. Similar to the home phone – desktops are now seen in fewer and fewer homes. Don’t miss out on the top trend of 2022.

Since 2016 Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) have been integrated into Google’s mobile search results. What does this mean to you? When you implement AMP you will be included in Google’s SERPs search results as well as most paid results. This simple step could mean huge results for your e-commerce business.  

Another key area to look at is Adobe Flash. Back in the day, it was all the rave. However, today it doesn’t serve much purpose but slows you down. Ditch the animation, ditch the overly busy. Try to stick to a simple, clean design your users will appreciate. Help them stay on track and not get distracted from the real reason they are on your page – to solve a problem. 

Top ways to optimize for mobile users:

  • Test, test, and re-test
  • Pick a responsive web design
  • Speed is vital to your success
  • Use AMP in your webpages
  • Compress images

4. Building Trust Through Transparency

Conversions are largely influenced by trust. The best way to build trust is to be transparent. Consumers are demanding that we use transparency in design. Ask yourself – do I have a website I would trust?

Let’s dive into what that means and how to implement this in your website and overall business.

One of the key factors to build trust through transparency is to be as upfront as possible. Don’t try to fool people- now is the time for honesty. 

  • Always invest in secure systems
  • Informed data usage is vital
  • Always be upfront about pricing – try to avoid any hidden costs


Your users should know what your app will have access to. (What information are you obtaining from them – be clear) If they understand that the collection of data is for a better user experience, they will be more inclined to offer it to you.

Once you build trust, it will help with conversions and retention. We need those customers to come back, and they will if they trust you. 


5. Using True Social Proofs

Using true social proofs is what will set you apart this year. More and more companies are moving towards this way of gaining trust with customers. True social proofs may be the most important trend of 2022.

We must move past the generic photo claiming this product is great. Everyone thinks their product is great. Your customers are smarter than you think. We as humans tend to trust what our peers say more than the head of a business. I bet you have some loyal customers who would be thrilled to be a part of your success. It doesn’t hurt to ask- right?

Did you know a study done by WordPress states 82% of potential customers are more likely to trust a company that uses real people in their marketing campaigns and ads? 

How to use social proofs in your business:

  • Use real-life customers, their pictures, and their words.
  • Ask them directly to share your company or product on their social media sites. (You can offer those who help a discount- however, most people want to help without the payback)
  • Contact an internet influencer who knows or works with your target audience and ask for help – you may be surprised how easy this one is.

Here is a popular example.

Swedish watch company Daniel Wellington is known for using influencers on Instagram to promote their watches. Year after year they see their conversions grow.



6. User Experience (UX)

This should go without saying, but, if a user isn’t having a good experience, they are quick to exit your site and move on. If that potential customer doesn’t stick around, it’s hard to convert them into a sale. That is why in 2022 it’s imperative to put the user experience first and foremost. Even Google says having a great UX score will lead to a better ranking, and in turn, lead to more conversions. 

You need your customers to find your content useful, your product valuable, and your site credible. Your website should be easy to navigate and the information easily accessible. If you can tick all these boxes, you will be one step closer to a conversion


Keeping with the customer’s experience and needs being at the forefront of everything you do, ask yourself what is it that gets you to vacate a site? One of the top reasons people leave a site is too many pop-ups, and videos that play on repeat. Ditch these as soon as you can.

Keyways to improve the User Experience (UX)

  • Make your content interesting. Find a link between the company and the customer. Using a brand story will help achieve this.
  • Don’t be annoying. Skip the extra fluff – you don’t need it. 
  • Be direct and keep it clean and transparent – don’t try to hide anything. Be as honest as you can. It will yield results.
  • Speed is huge – nobody has time for your webpage to load.
  • Make it easy to ask for assistance – use the chatbot. This is another trend most sites are now using in 2022

7. Simplify Your Checkout Page

Congratulations, you got your customer to the checkout page, you have almost hit the goal line. However, 60%-80% of potential customers leave your site at this point, never to return. It’s a sad fact, but true. 

Do you know what your abandonment rate is?  

One of the leading causes of high abandonment rates is a busy and difficult checkout page. On average, a potential customer stays on your page for 15 seconds. That is not a lot of time. In those 15 seconds, you must make sure your point gets across, that trust is built, and you are providing the product or service you promised. 

The online user is impatient and nervous to give out too much information. That is why we suggest ditching the mandatory account setup and instead opt for a guest option as well.


Keys ways to simplify your landing page:

  • Make it easy. Easy to get to payment, easy to add or remove items from the cart, easy to ask questions. 
  • Keep it simple – your checkout page should only contain four items – 1. Checkout 2. Delivery Details 3. Payment Details 4. Confirmation
  • Include a visual indicator of the checkout process. When the customer knows what to expect, they are more inclined to continue the process until the end of the indicator. As a new company, we suggest keeping your checkout process to a maximum of 4 steps – more than that, and you could lose so close to the finish line. 

Above all else test, test, and test again. Make sure to perform an A/B test for the different layouts and designs. Knowing your audience will help with this checkout process.

In Summary

We are all here for conversions, right? Using these 7 top trends of 2022 is sure to put you ahead of your competition. The main takeaway from this article is how our customers feel about using our site – everything goes back to the User Experience

As you implement some of these trends into your website, we encourage you to keep testing, trying new things, and continuously be learning. 

By optimizing for customer success, you’re more than likely optimizing for growth.

– Alex Turnbull

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Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Affiliate Case Study – 35.4% Increase In Sales Per Visitor

Affiliate Case Study – 35.4% Increase In Sales Per Visitor

In our latest conversion optimization case study, we’ll share with you an affiliate website where we placed “Our Top 3 Picks” in a vertical table for increased conversions. 

The Website:

This website is in the adult niche and reviews products that are sold on Amazon.

Test Details & Background:

This test was a desktop only test, where the control was an “At A Glance” section, which listed the top 5 picks as shown below:

And the variation was “Our Top 3 Picks” shown in a vertical table, as below:

The top 3 vertical tables are designed to increase the buying intent of visitors and help them in their decision to make a purchase. 

The sales data showed an increase in sales. The heatmaps also confirm that there were better engagements in the top 3 vertical tables when compared to the “At A Glance” section.

Even though the overall click data did not increase, the sales conversions increased because visitors were more educated about the product before they clicked.

The tests ran for 11 weeks to reach a 97% confidence level. 

This test was a follow on from a mobile and desktop test where we tested “At A Glance” vs “Our Top 3 Picks” and the “At A Glance” section performed better on mobile, whereas the “Our Top 3 Picks” table performed better on desktop. 

The Results:

We saw an overall increase of 35.4% in sales per visitor.

Our key takeaway was that the vertical tables increased the buyer intent of the visitors by educating them, then and there, on their purchasing decision where space allowed (desktop only).

Are you ready to increase your conversion rate on your own website?

Why not claim our free CRO audit that can increase your conversions anywhere from 20-100+%? 

Answer a few questions and we’ll send over the personalized audit by email!

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – January 2022

Conversion Optimization Round-up – January 2022 are the days of the generic site- you need to stand out. Before we begin, ask yourself, what makes my website stand out from my competitors? If you don’t have a clear answer to this question, maybe, it’s time to take action.

Our goal is to help you generate more revenue, gain more conversions, and stand out from the pack. We do this using tried and tested conversion techniques. 

This month is no different. Today, you will learn from Crazy Egg about 15 high-converting lead magnet examples and design ideas. The ever-popular Guess the Test asks us what homepage design decreases bounce rates. Unbounce helps us learn from our mistakes from 2021 and use them to improve in 2022, and finally, Marketing Examined shares with us 9 copywriting tips to improve your conversions.

Let’s dive in.

15 High-Converting Lead Magnet Examples and Design Ideas

Before we continue, let’s answer what a lead magnet is and why you need to use them. A lead magnet is a marketing term for a free item or service that you give away to gather your contacts information.

When you produce a high-converting lead magnet, it’s extremely hard for your target audience to say no. The more you test and hone in on what works, the more you will generate highly qualified leads. That’s the goal, right?

Here are a few of the top converting lead magnets for you to try.

  • The E-book. This lead magnet is one of the more successful lead magnets you can use.
  • Mini-Courses. This online education industry is a $275 billion industry- not to be missed. Even weekly emails with a video link will get you the conversions you need.
  • Checklists. These simple lists are a tried and tested way to produce a high converting lead magnet.
  • In 2022 Podcasts are HUGE! Podcast listeners have grown by 29.5% in 3 years.
  • Calculators. Calculators require a bit of coding, but the benefits are massive. VWO created a simple calculator that allows visitors to determine whether their A/B tests have achieved statistical significance.

Here’s an example:


Crazy Egg

These are just a few of the fantastic ideas coming from Crazy Egg this month – don’t miss out on this great article.

The Biggest Marketing Lessons of 2021 (And How to Use Em’ in 2022)

Unbounce has done it again, offering us gold in an article. This not-to-be-missed article offers you insight into where you might have gone wrong in 2021 and help you use that to push ahead in 2022.

According to Twilio, COVID-19 accelerated companies’ digital communications strategies by six years. This means heaps of new competition and in turn, means the need to stand out is at an all-time high. 

So, what is one of the biggest mistakes of 2021 that you might be guilty of? Not using AI. According to researchers, the use of AI soared between 2018 and 2020, jumping from 29% to a staggering 84%. If you’re not using it, your competitors are. 


Netflix’s use of AI is a great example to mention. In 2017 Netflix saved $1 billion in revenue to their competitors by using AI to personalize recommendations for its users. Helping them remain leaders in this industry year after year. 

This article list 6 other lessons for us to learn from. Always a great read from Unbounce.

What Homepage Re-Design Decreases Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate is defined as the percentage of visitors who view your site and then leave rather than continuing to other pages within the same site.

Guess the Test asks us what re-design decreases bounce rates? 

  • Version A – Homepage design with a series of product categories
  • Version B – Homepage design with a dropdown menu selector 

What option do you think decreases the bounce rate by 7%? Yup, you are right- version B has users more inclined to use the dropdown menu selector and continue onto the next page. 

Guess The Test

In an attempt to create a clear and prominent Call To Action (CTA), the re-designed version stripped away all potentially distracting elements and displayed only the dropdown menu selector.

Just another example of why it’s imperative to always be testing. 

9 Copywriting Tips to Improve Your Conversion Rate

The Marketing Examined explores 9 great tips to improve your conversions. Taken from the head honcho Amazon, these tips will help you stand out, and remember that is what 2022 is all about- standing out above the rest. 

Here are a few of the great tips brought to you by Marketing Examined.


  • Eliminate weasel words -such as half, most, a small percentage. Instead, use statistics. 
  • Avoid adverbs in your writing – they are for lazy writers. You are showcasing your product- be BOLD, be CONFIDENT.
  • Be objective. Subjective writing lacks in facts and data. Want to stand out? Write knowledgeable sentences.

Marking Examined

Overall keep it simple and precise. In today’s busy world, we don’t have time for fluff. 

In Summary

Standing out from your competitors is what 2022 is all about. What steps are you going to take this month to improve conversions? Let us know- we would love to hear from you.

Those who are not growing will get left in the dust- don’t let that be you.

Until next month.

Are you interested in a free conversion optimization audit?

Submit your site and let us send you a list of custom optimizations just for you!

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Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – December 2021

Conversion Optimization Round-up – December 2021

Can you believe this year is almost over? We are proud to say this year we delivered some stellar articles from the biggest movers and shakers in our industry. We hope you took the information provided and made the most of it. 2022 won’t be any different- make sure you stay tuned.

Closing out the year, we have an informative line-up of articles for you. First, a stand-out experiment from Guess the Test, asking what landing page design radically increased conversions by over 300%!

Next, we bring you an article from the Marketing Sherpa about Conversion Rate Optimization tools, with five real-life case studies to help get you on the right track.

VWO shares a user guide into A/B testing. What is it? How to do it, and why? And finally, this month, a fascinating article from Invesp diving into 5 difficult questions you should know the answers to but might not.

Let’s break these down a little further.

Guess the Test- Which Design Increased Conversions By Over 300%?

This month Guess the Test compares Version A – Landing page featuring icons with skimmable text with Version B – Radically redesigned landing page focused on a benefit-based copy. Can you believe one over the other had an increase of 336%!?

We don’t want to give away the answer, but let’s say we got this one right. Did you?

Guess The Test

Marketing Case Studies with Brands That Used 5 Types of CRO Tools

The Marketing Sherpa starts their article with a simple question, what is a conversion rate optimization tool? It seems like a simple question however, far too many don’t have a more in-depth answer. It is so much more than just A/B testing.

The Marketing Sherpa shares case studies from companies using 5 types of CRO tools. One case study shares how a circuit board manufacturer increased conversion rates by 17% by simply optimizing for specific device types. 

We found the case study about an e-commerce business that moved away from discounts to increase profits by $17,500 eye-opening. Like always, the Marketing Sherpa knows how to put a case study together.

Marketing Sherpa

A Guide to User Testing

This latest article from VWO breaks A/B testing down for us.

We get answers about what A/B user testing really is? 3 steps to conducting impactful user testing, and how a well-run user test can drive conversions. This one comes with some great examples not to be missed.

One of the steps described is about using the right audience for your testing. Are these people my core audience? What is my demographic? This article is well written, easy to follow, and is sure to help you get on the right track.


5 Difficult CRO Questions you Should Know

In this article from Invesp, they break down 5 difficult conversion rate optimization questions you should have the answers for.

Questions such as does more traffic mean more conversions? And what’s the hardest thing about experimentation?

They also discuss what a reasonable uplift is after running a successful CRO program. What can you expect? You put in all the hard work, now you need to know if it’s working. They will lay it all out for you in this great article.


In Summary

Between VWO offering us a guide to user testing, the Marketing Sherpa with case studies all about companies using CRO to maximize returns, and Invesp asking some tough questions, this month allows you opportunities for some real growth. 

As we close out the year, we hope 2021 brought your business growth and insight. We thrive on offering you the best of the best and will continue to do so in the coming year.

So what changes are you going to be implementing this month?

Until next year.

Are you interested in a free conversion optimization audit?

Submit your site and let us send you a list of custom optimizations just for you!

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Author: Ayumi

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – November 2021

Conversion Optimization Round-up – November 2021

Month after month, we strive to deliver you with the best of the best. Our goal is to help you do everything you can to succeed! What do the best companies all have in common? A desire to always be improving. What have you done this month to improve your business? What steps have you taken to reach a higher conversion? Let us give you a few examples to set you on the right path.

We have a stellar line-up for you this month, with CXL presenting you with 7 landing page examples that will make you stop and question where you could be doing better. 

Widerfunnel offers us a case study about The Motley Fool and how they increased paid subscriptions by over 11%! They also discuss how experimentation is the key to growth. 

You will get a lot out of the article from Unbounce who discusses 5 ways to use scarcity on your landing page. They also look into the psychology of scarcity – we found this super interesting!

Then, Guess the Test provides us with another great experiment, this time about using emoji’s in your emails or not. Do they motivate? And finally, the Marketing Sherpa gives you 3 great case studies all about optimization.

Let us begin with CXL and landing page examples.

7 Landing Page Examples & User Journey Breakdowns to Swipe for Inspiration

Did you know most landing pages are ineffective, with an average conversion rate of only 4.6% across all industries? CXL shares with you 7 landing page examples from those who are standing out from the pack.

One of the companies used as an example is Headspace. They are a powerful example of how to design a landing page for bottom-of-funnel visitors. This landing page does 3 things incredibly well, including effective use of social proof. Be sure to read on to find out what other 2 tactics Headspace uses.

Another company standing out above the rest is Lyft ridesharing service. Lyft shows why it pays to know your audience. With a landing page directed to play on your emotions, they directly target their audience in ways others often avoid. Read on to find out what other ways Lyft stands out from the rest.


In this article, you will find a breakdown of 5 other companies and what they are doing to stand out and stand above their competition. There is something for everyone in this in-depth article.

How The Motley Fool increased paid subscriptions by over 11%

We love it when Widerfunnel does a case study. In this article, they look deep into the highly successful business from The Motley Fool.  When those around you are making waves, you want to know why.

That’s what this article is all about, finding out exactly how The Motley Fool started generating key customer insights to uncover millions in uncovered revenue. Follow this experiment outline in your business and see where you could be doing better.

Widerfunnel (

5 Ways to Use Scarcity on Your Landing Page to Boost Your Sales

We found this article from Unbounce very interesting – discussing human nature and your landing page. This article will dive into the psychology behind scarcity in our everyday lives and how to translate that same psychology into your landing page. 

One of the ways discussed is the sense of urgency conveyed on your landing page. Unbounce provides some key terms commonly used as well as what not to do. Remember there is a fine line between being too pushy and inspiring urgency. If your copy sounds too aggressive, it may raise some flags. Don’t forget to find out what the #1 scarcity tactic you need to implement today is!

Unbounce (

Can You Guess Which Test Won? With or without the clock emojis in the email subject line?

We don’t want to give away the answer on this latest test from Guess the Test, but let’s just say we didn’t get the answer right. What do you think is best? Adding emojis to the email subject line or leaving them out? 

Guess The Test (

As always, Guess the Test puts together a thorough experiment, one you can take results from with great confidence. So, did you guess right?

Landing Page Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, and Paid Search Optimization: 3 quick marketing case studies

Once again, the Marketing Sherpa shares with us some quick case studies focusing on our favorite subject, optimization. We look into the newly popular LIVESTORM to see how a company with almost no brand awareness set out to gain a higher rating than Zoom. Learn how using a competitor comparison landing page attracted 6% of the organic traffic this web conferencing software obtained.

Marketing Sherpa (

Another case study provided by the Marketing Sherpa shows how a Health system shifts paid search strategy from regional-based to location-specific, increasing conversion by 111%! Yes, you read that right, 111%. This case study lays it all out for you.

And finally, we were intrigued to learn how an event management company increased landing page optimization conversions by 40%! This idea is just genius, one I know we want to do further testing on to see how well it can work for us. If you implement this one, you have to let us know how it goes.


Regardless of the size of your business, there is always room for improvement. Remember, if you are not moving forward and finding new ways to grow, you will get left behind. We hope you find these articles from some of the most trusted names in the game beneficial. What changes are you going to implement this month to get you closer to your goals? 

If you have any questions about anything you read today, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Until next month.

Are you interested in a free conversion optimization audit? Submit your site and let us send you a list of custom optimizations just for you!

Claim your Free Audit Here.

Author: Ayumi

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – October 2021

Conversion Optimization Round-up – October 2021

Do you know what some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs have in common? They are teachable and are always looking for ways to improve and adapt. Do you share this trait? If so, then you will want to jump into this month’s list of articles from websites we have come to trust. Ask yourself, are you doing all you can do to maximize conversions?

This month we share an article from the ever-popular Linear where they share 11 reasons why your landing page isn’t converting and how to fix themGuess the Test asks the question Guest Checkout or Not. Next, the Marketing Sherpa teaches us how to solve three types of customer needs through marketing. Widerfunnel will help you grow revenue with a bit of CRO and UX research. And finally, we look at VWO for a guide to user testing.

11 Reasons Why Your Landing Page Isn’t Converting (and ways to fix it)

Be sure to read this article to determine why your conversion rate is not where you want it to be. From a buried purpose and mixed signals to a lack of incentive, these could be a few of the problems you are facing.

Linear Design (

Another problem Linear talks about – are your landing page and your homepage the same? You might be surprised to learn this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Learn what the three common differences between a homepage and landing page are and how to make yours stand out from the competition.

This article is well written and offers real-life solutions to the problems most attributed to conversion issues. Don’t forget to download Linear’s essential landing page checklist.

With or Without the Guest Checkout Button?

Yes, it’s true, we want as much information from our customers as possible, but at what cost. Is a one-time sale better than nothing? Or is it best to insist on your customer’s information through a sign-up form? 

Guess The Test (

The testing team this month used four formats to determine what’s best. Is it best with or without the guest checkout button? Two tests with the guest checkout and two without. Which one do you think won?

Three Types of Customer Needs and How to Solve Them

In this great article, the Marketing Sherpa will share some case studies from companies who are solving their customer’s needs with marketing.

The first case study comes from a skin care company that launched a refill program that became 15% of the business. Not only that but saved their customers up to 30%. This outcome is one of those win-win-win scenarios.

Another case study they share is a software company that gets a 4% conversion rate by aggregating its data to help customers make better decisions. Once again, the Marketing Sherpa helps guide our way.

Growing Revenue with CRO and UX Research

As an eCommerce business owner, you are always looking at acquiring new customers and growing your market share. Widerfunnel teaches us how to combine CRO and UX research to help your company make a more impactful change in your customer’s digital experience.

This article explores how combining Rate Optimization (CRO) and User Experience (UX) can work together to unlock new opportunities. Opportunities such as avoiding stagnation through constant innovation.

They also answer the question, what do people really want? People are complex, but allowing CRO and UX to work together, enables us to validate insights and gain a higher conversion rate. It’s why we are here, right?

“One of the most humbling things about experimentation is that it’s impossible to predict the outcome of changes made to the user experience. After all, if this were possible, there would be no need to test.”

Michael St. Laurent, Director of Experimentation Strategy & Product Development, Widerfunnel

Widerfunnel (

A Guide to User Testing (What is it? How To Do It and Why You Need To)

You are going to want to keep this guide for reference. VWO will cover what User Testing is and offer you a breakdown of three steps to conducting impactful user testing. Step two talks about asking the right question to surface meaningful feedback.


Customer feedback is one of the best ways to solve problems that we may have turned a blind eye to addressing. We understand gathering user data doesn’t sound like fun. But the whole point is to improve your site, conversions, and ultimately your revenue.

This guide will break it all down for you and help you gain the conversions you want.


At the end of the day, the fundamentals of conversion rate optimization are to always be optimizing your website. You want to keep your customers happy, keep them purchasing your goods and services, and ultimately coming back again and again.

Until next month.

Interested in a free conversion optimization audit, where we prepare a list of custom optimizations for you?

Claim your Free Audit Here.

Author: Ayumi

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Guide to Conversion Focused Web Design: Examples and Best Practices

Guide to Conversion Focused Web Design: Examples and Best Practices

Current day web design goes way beyond just “looking good.”

You’ll want your website to convert people visiting from cold traffic, and overall, have a smooth and intuitive user experience.

With the end goal being, of course, to drive sales and revenue.

But sometimes, what looks good to you – may not look good for your target audience. 

You might be surprised to see what converts and what doesn’t, in terms of web design.

In other words, a website that may look ugly and confusing to you, may be exactly what the target audience is looking for.

Consider what’s important for the ideal audience, what pain points they’re struggling with, and what they’re already used to.

By using psychological triggers, minimizing distractions, and optimizing for user experience, you too can drive conversions and sales from your website. 

Below, we’ll be going over conversion-focused web design and CRO principles to convert more people visiting your website.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • A Word on Website Engagement and Other CRO Concepts
  • 5 Essential Principles of Conversion-Focused Web Design


Here’s what you need to know about using website conversion design.

A Word on Website Engagement and Other CRO Concepts

Before we look at conversion web design examples and best practices, let’s take a step back to discuss general CRO.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) makes the most out of traffic coming into your site. It helps you work out why users are not continuing through the final sale or desired action.

Effective CRO will cause a rise in the overall percentage of incoming visitors that convert.

Nowadays, marketers are often hung up on the “essential” numbers like conversions, sales, etc.

They’re important, yes.

But we need to take into consideration the sub-numbers that help drive those “essential” numbers.

Here’s what I mean:

Website engagement, for example, helps people stay on your website longer. 

And the longer they stay, the more likely they become to convert. For example, a website visitor might read your “about us” page fully, fill in a survey, opt-in for a lead magnet, and then do business with you.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, right?

Other CRO concepts you need to keep in mind which can help boost your overall website conversions and boost the effectiveness of your web design include:

  • Website load speed – According to Google, how fast your website loads is a direct ranking factor. Not only that, but if your website takes more than 3-5 seconds to load, most of your users will click off.
  • Bounce rate – Another important, but misunderstood metric. Don’t think of this as a number to “fix”. There are pages where a high bounce rate can be good. It means that you satisfied user intent and the person didn’t need to interact with your site any further. Figure out what the number is telling you about your site’s page and the people you’re attracting and work from there.
  • User experience – Another misunderstood metric. UX is actually a mix of things: Accessibility, size, color, and contrast of your text, use of images, simplification, and web design elements that affect usability.

Developing trust signals, and other CRO elements that remove objections – At the end of the day, a lot of your visitors will be on the fence about buying from you. They’re not sure if they can trust you, especially if they’re coming from cold traffic. Check out our conversion rate optimization strategies for some more practical marketing tactics to boost your conversions.

cro page experience

Source: SEMRush

So, why does this matter?

The point here is that you shouldn’t look at your website conversion rate in a vacuum.

Yes, your web design plays a big part in your conversions. 

But web design also consists of a number of conversion-driven principles that can indirectly help your visitors convert.

Now, with that said, let’s take a look at some web design elements and examples below that can boost your conversion rate.

5 Essential Principles of Conversion-Focused Web Design

A conversion is an action your website visitors take in response to your CTA (call-to-action).

And the CTA could be to make a purchase, sign up for a demo, subscribe, or any other action you want them to take.

When adopting a conversion-based web design, your CTA becomes the core principle. While the rest of your web design will focus on getting the user to respond to the CTA (think: layout, text color, images, interactivity, etc.).

So, you can’t just focus on your CTA or copywriting in a vacuum to try and boost your conversions.

You need to consider what every element of your website is designed to do.

Once you adopt a conversion-first approach, you’ll start seeing these principles everywhere.

With the right design, your website will promote itself, and naturally get you better conversion rates and sales.

PS – Not a designer and still want to improve your website conversion rate? Claim our free CRO audit now and let us go over your web design. In the end, you’ll receive personalized advice on what to improve.

Now, let’s take a look at some web design tips you can use to boost your conversion rate.

1. Define one goal – stick to it

Your landing page should have one clear goal.

It’s easy for people to get overwhelmed by many choices and options.

So, the best way to put this conversion-driven principle is this: define a goal, stick to it.

subjective state choices cro

This is pretty common in the SaaS industry, with multiple CTAs or options for subscribing.

If you want a website visitor to take action and convert into a lead, then stick to one goal for every lead generation page you create.

Give your visitors only one thing to do per page. 

Which may sound like an oversimplification of things, but it works. 

Users often leave web pages in 10-20 seconds. That’s the time frame you have to capture their attention and drive them to a specific goal (CTA). 

So, you can’t afford to waste their time with multiple confusing CTAs, or a mix of all the different services you offer squished together in one page.

Introduce only one product or service for each page, and limit options by giving your users only one thing to focus on.

Direct your visitors’ attention towards one action and you’ll see an increase in your conversion rate.

For example, your main landing page should focus on your main benefits. If you offer multiple services, consider creating different pages for each service. The same goes if you’re in eCommerce – different product pages, categories, and so on.

ecommerce landing page optimization

Once you’ve got your goal in mind, you can start implementing the next landing page conversion principles.

2. Consider your “F-Layout” and heatmaps

The “F-Layout” (or F-Pattern) is a simple layout designed to guide a user’s eye to the information you want them to see, based on engrained human behavior.

A website heatmap is a visual representation of the collective behavior of your website visitors

It’s presented in an easy-to-interpret image that shows how your visitors explore your landing page.

At a glance, you’ll know which parts of your site need to start work on right away. You’ll also know:

  • How far down the page visitors scroll.
  • Which parts of the page do they pay attention to the most.
  • Which elements they click and engage with (if any).

Check out our article on heat map tools if you need more info on getting started with using heatmaps to boost your conversion rate.

cro user flow f layout

Source: Envatotuts

Hot spots (red, orange, yellow) represent where users’ attention lingers the longest.

Now, turn this into a barebones wireframe and you’ll get a better idea of how to structure your web design.

A closer look into heatmaps often reveal that:

  • Brand marks and navigation capture the visitor’s attention first.
  • Images often receive the greatest level of attention (so, visuals matter).
  • Headline comes next, and text is only scanned.

3. Follow a conversion-driven layout template and include these essential sections

Most landing pages can be split up into 2 parts:

  • Above the fold – what’s visible.
  • Below the fold – what the users scroll to.

If you’re not sure where to begin, consider following this landing page template for pages that convert, according to MarketingExamples:

  1. Explain the value you provide (heading).
  2. Explain how you create it (subheading).
  3. Let the users visualize it (visuals).
  4. Make it believable and eliminate objections (social proof).
  5. Make taking the next step easy (CTA).

landing page layout example

You see this web conversion structure usually in the SaaS industry – where benefits and how you design your website is more important than ever.

Obviously, there are a million and one details you could be optimizing for, depending on the checklist you follow.

But for the most part, regardless of your industry, your landing page is your sales pitch.

So, you should keep that in mind with your web design and make sure it’s communicating the right message.

4. Using web design contrast and color to your advantage

Obviously, color plays a huge part in your web design. It reflects the mood and the impact of the message that you want to convey to visitors.

You might already be familiar with general color theory and how each color conveys a different mood.

But did you know those same colors can have an effect on your web conversion rate?

Well, indirectly.

They help your users navigate through your website.

You have to take into consideration:

  • Accessibility.
  • Readability.
  • Memorability.
  • Direction cues.
  • Urgency and scarcity.
  • And more.

But you also need to take into consideration other web design concepts that can affect your conversion rate, such as:

White space – Also referred to as negative space. Parts of your web design left blank intentionally to increase the focus on certain web page elements such as CTAs or headlines.

According to Printwand, there are 4 main types of white space web design:

  1. Micro white space – Negative space between smaller elements like image, caption, words, letters.
  2. Macro white space – Blank space between main elements (e.g. headline and copy).
  3. Active white space – Space added consciously to the page to make it more structured. Mostly asymmetrical and makes the page look dynamic.
  4. Passive white space – Natural occurring white space, as it’s not added deliberately. It’s the space between words on a line or around a graphic.

website white space

Once you start seeing these concepts in landing pages, you’ll never be able to un-see them.

Even though white space is often referred to as “empty space”, it’s anything but wasted space.

It’s the space deliberately left blank so that the remaining areas could draw more attention and reduce cognitive load for your site visitors.

Color and usability can also help you establish trust. Since users might be used to certain elements to be a certain color (e.g.CTA buttons are usually always green).

Speaking of…

5. Building trust through conversion-driven web design elements

Your website shouldn’t be “just” beautiful, it should be building trust through clever web design elements you’re about to read below.

This is another case of your web design helping you boost your conversion rate through indirect conversion principles.

Here’s how:

A beautiful and professional-looking website triggers the halo effect cognitive bias.

halo effect bias

Source: TheDecisionLab

This is the idea that “if it’s beautiful, it’s probably good and safe.”

In other words, when we find something attractive and good from a user-experience standpoint, chances are, we’re more likely to pass other positive judgments.

In this case, it’s a matter of – if your landing page looks good (which is the first thing your visitors make a subconscious guess on), it’s more likely to have a higher conversion rate.

Though, one thing that’s important to take into consideration here is – does your website look good to your target audience? (they call the shots here.)

So, on a more practical level, here’s what this means for your web design:

Let’s assume you already have a good-looking landing page.

Following the conversion-driven principles mentioned in this article, it should also:

  • Make good use of white space.
  • Have a strong visual hierarchy.
  • Have direction cues that guide your visitors to the goal of the page.
  • Be easy to find other pages on the site.
  • Be understandable at a glance what the site is about and what the user can do on it.


So, to recap, you don’t have to be a designer or a CRO expert to start thinking like one.

Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two and you’re well on your way to changing some of your design to boost your conversion rate.

Now, let’s go over some of the frequently asked questions with website conversion design:

  • What is a high converting website design?

A high converting website design tells your prospect what the webpage is about, and what services or products you offer in the clearest way possible. Then, your web design helps communicate that your offer through accessibility, readability, direction cues, memorability, and other conversion-driven principles.

  • How do I create a conversion website?

Consider what’s important for the ideal target audience and focus on that. By using psychological triggers, minimizing distractions, and optimizing for user experience, you’re more likely to come out with a conversion-driven website. 

Be sure to also follow the above mentioned conversion-focused checklist:

  1. Define one goal per webpage and stick to it.
  2. Use a heat map tool and analyze your F-layout.
  3. Follow a conversion-driven layout web template and include all the essential sections in your industry.
  4. Use web design and color to your advantage to make it easy for your users to read through your web page to the CTA.
  5. Build trust through conversion-driven web design elements like the halo effect cognitive bias, white space, visual hierarchy, directional cues, and more.
  • How do you design for conversions?

When designing your layout, consider including the following essential sections to maximize your conversions:

  • Heading – The main value and benefits you provide.
  • Subheading – The main features and how you create that value.
  • Visuals – Let the users visualize it through practical screenshots or images.
  • Social proof – Make it believable and eliminate objections from happy customers or past clients.
  • CTA – Make taking the next step easy.

Successful CRO is a journey of many small steps in the right direction.

Claim your free CRO audit and get started with your journey now. 

Author: irakli

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – September 2021

Conversion Optimization Round-up – September 2021

This month we have a phenomenal lineup for you. You will not want to miss the stellar information some of our favourite websites are dishing out. Do you want more conversions? Don’t worry, we have your back. Today, let’s dive in and see what some of the best companies out there are doing.

We are sharing an article from the Marketing Sherpa, who offer us a look into three great case studies making positive change in your customer’s lives. Widerfunnel discusses the debate of the ROI of experimentation and conversion rate optimization (CRO). Then we will look at some of the best practices for your homepage. Next, let’s dive into what the heck “gamification” really is. And finally, want to get a better pay-per-click rate (PPC)? unBounce shares how to optimize your landing page.

Let’s not waste any time, let us break it down for you.

Make a Positive Change in Your Customers Lives – Best Marketing Practices

The Marketing Sherpa takes us along for three in-depth case studies from businesses that are making waves. From a cupcake maker who increased triggered email revenue by a whopping 70%! Too many businesses take your money and then forget about you. This case study highlights how a few steps in the customer’s direction can heed a lot more repeat sales for your future. This article also showcases a bridal shop with 30% more sales after getting a better view of their target customers. And the final case study shares how an online photo ID service got over a thousand people to try their service, almost overnight.

Over the years, we have come to trust The Marketing Sherpa and their ability to put together some great case studies that make us open our eyes and want to do better.

MarketingSherpa (

The ROI of Experimentation and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

This may very well be the debate of our time. Is testing effectiveWiderfunnel dives deep into this age-old debate. Companies like Microsoft and Spotify, to name a few, strongly believe that testing is an effective way to innovate and develop a product your customers want. Some say if you are not innovating and growing, you are already a fish dead in the water. This article will discuss common objections with real-world applications and provide you with some great formulas to see just where you stand.

They teach you how to calculate the ROI of your CRO program. Learn about Velocity, Quality, Impact, and Cost. Widerfunnel takes you along for a very informative ride. Hop on.

Widerfunnel (

eCommerce Homepage Best Practices- 7 Tips to Boost User Experience

You don’t want to get left behind, do you? Your user experience (UX) determines how people feel when they visit your website, engage with your brand and customer support.  UX is one of the most critical aspects of your eCommerce business. As the owner, it’s your job to make sure this experience is the best it can be. This article from VWO teaches us some of the best homepage practices to set you above the rest.  Let’s highlight a couple of these top tips, starting with one of the best.

It’s no surprise having a great mobile application is key. Although not always possible, it’s highly recommended to design your website for mobile-first. This article goes into depth why this is so vital. VWO says there are 7.1 billion mobile users worldwide, users who shop, pay bills, and do pretty much everything on their mobile devices. It’s projected this number will rise significantly in the future. So, where do you stand when it comes to your mobile platform?


Some of the other tips to look forward to include optimizing load speed, maximizing space above the fold and streamlining your checkout process, to name a few. You are not going to want to miss this insightful article from VWO.

Using Gamification for MORE Customer Engagement

If Optinmonster told you there was a strategy that would immediately hook your site visitors and increase the odds they’d subscribe to your site, would you want to know how? That’s what we thought you would say.

Take a deep dive into what gamification is and just how vital it is to the success of your business. Want to improve your user experience (UX)? Gamification is not only a way to make more conversions and gain more sales, but it also makes your eCommerce business fun, a place people want to spend some time.

This article will also dive deep into three expert tips on how to use gamification such as:

  1. Add a Spin-to-Win Wheel
  2. Run an Online Contest
  3. Build a Customer Loyalty App

Optinmonster (

How to Optimize Your Landing Page for Better PPC

One of the most competitive games out there right now is the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) game. As most of us know, PPC is a digital advertising method where you pay for visits to your site through ads, as opposed to earning them organically.

This article from Unbounce has a goldmine of useful information to help maximize your (ROAS) Return on Ad Spend and help create a strategy that will work best for you and your eCommerce business. Breaking down 4 of the top questions asked by their readers, such as: How do paid ads work, anyway? And why your PPC Ad needs a dedicated landing page. They also share with us a step-by-step guide to optimizing your post-click strategy. This is one of those great articles not to miss.


As you see, this month’s lineup is not to be missed. From learning about gamification, to getting a lesson in best practices for your homepage, this month’s round-up has it all. What steps can you take this month to improve your business?

Success is often a result of many small steps in the right direction.

Until next month.

And as always, we are here to look at your website, to see where you could optimize for increased conversions.

Claim our Free Audit Here.

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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How to Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate – Proven CRO Tips and Examples

How to Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate – Proven CRO Tips and Examples

Getting your products listed on Amazon is the first step.

Then, boosting your conversion rate is what comes next.

Because, unfortunately, if you build it – they will probably not come.

It’s harder than ever to attract potential eyeballs to your product.

On Amazon alone, there are well over 353+ million products listed. And while you can niche down to a specific, smaller audience, it can still be hard to convert a cold visitor to a customer from your Amazon listing.

They might be looking for product information that’s not visible in your listing. Or they’re not even finding your product listing organically because it’s not SEO-optimized.

Now, you probably already know the importance of a high conversion rate and how you could be getting a higher ROI on your sales and paid ads.

So, instead, we’ll just be focusing on practical ways to boost your Amazon product conversion rate. We’ll be taking a look at examples and other practical how-to you need to keep in mind.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to Find and Track Your Amazon Conversion Rate
  • Amazon Product Headline: Boost Your Clickthrough-Rate
  • Amazon SEO: Ranking Highly for Amazon Searches
  • Highlighting Your Product’s Benefits
  • Designing a Product Pricing That Converts
  • Consider Promoting Your Amazon Products With PPC


Let’s begin!

How to Find and Track Your Amazon Conversion Rate

First, to get a baseline of your business, it’s a good idea to start with your current conversion rate.

Then, you can compare it to your niche benchmark or start running A/B tests to see how it’ll increase (or decrease).

Either way, the only way to know for certain what’s working and what isn’t within your CRO is through data.

Now, finding your Amazon conversion rate is a bit different from calculating your eCommerce conversion rate

But because you’re managing your products and handling your info natively through Amazon, it’s actually easier to check your product’s conversion rate.

Here’s where to find that info:

  1. Open your main Amazon menu and go to Reports.
  2. Click Business Reports.
  3. Under Business Reports, click on Detailed Page Sales and Traffic by Parent Item under By ASIN category.
  4. Next, write down your Total Order Items number for the product you’re interested in, and divide that by the number of your Sessions, including those who left and returned.

In other words, the formula to calculate your Amazon product conversion rate is:

Conversion Rate = (Total Orders)/(Total Product Listing Sessions)

amazon conversion rate data

Average Amazon product conversion rate

Now that you have your Amazon product conversion rate, you’re probably wondering what to do with that number, right?

Is it good? Bad? Can it be improved?

Well, according to AdBadger, the average conversion rate on Amazon is around 9.55%.

But it’s important to put this in context. Because, conversion rate, like all other metrics, is widely different in each niche.

For example, more expensive products on Amazon ($100+) will typically have a lower conversion rate as customers like to shop around and compare products first. Meanwhile, cheaper products on Amazon might have a higher conversion rate if people can instantly find what they’re looking for.

But it’s also important to take into consideration your bigger eCommerce website and general brand.

Consider applying some of the conversion rate optimization strategies to your website too.

Now, let’s take a look at some other ways you can boost your Amazon conversion rate.

1. Amazon Product Headline: Boost Your Click Through-Rate

When optimizing your Amazon product listing, it’s best to start with your headline. As that’s the main thing that drives clicks. 

We’ve covered this briefly in our landing page best practices, but it’s the same idea here.

An effective headline captures a visitor’s attention and entices them to click on your Amazon product.

Hint: If you’re out of headline ideas, consider looking up and starting with some headline templates. You’ll find a lot of them online.

Another thing you might have noticed is that no one on Amazon writes just the product name in the headline and calls it a day.

If you’ve ever looked up anything on the site, you’ll know that people go out of their way to include as much information and relevant keywords in the headline as possible.

amazon product headline keywords

Though this might look like keyword stuffing, this tactic definitely works. 

Because, people looking up general products on Amazon (e.g. iPhone case, skincare moisturizer, etc.), are probably looking for something more specific.

It could be a waterproof phone case or an SPF moisturizer

Then, this could be the main thing that drives clicks from the general Amazon search result page to your product description page.

And that brings us to the next step of optimizing your Amazon conversion rate.

2. Amazon SEO: Ranking Highly for Amazon Searches

So, Amazon SEO can be a bit complicated and time-consuming process. So, we’ll try to summarize it briefly.

Just like on Google, buyers on Amazon start their buyer’s journey by entering a relevant keyword to find what they’re looking for. And just like on Google, users mainly click on the first few results and rarely click on anything beyond the second, third, or any further pages.

This means that if you’re selling on Amazon, your rankings are one of the most important steps in boosting your conversion rate.

The higher you rank – the more you sell.

Now, the most important part of the equation:

How DO you boost your Amazon product SEO?

Well, long story short, Amazon has to determine the purchase likelihood not just for every product, but for every combination of product and search query.

Sounds confusing?

To put it into simpler terms, Amazon follows a two-step process for their SEO.

amazon ranking seo

Source: Sellics

So, to optimize your product listing for higher rankings, you need to watch out for:

  • Content – Copywriting (title, bullet points, description), images, enhanced content, etc.
  • Keywords– Based on product research and other keywords people look up in order to find your product.
  • Maintenance – Reviewing and tracking your Amazon conversion rate, price management, external traffic, shipping & FBA, inventory management, and more.

So, to recap this step:

Amazon SEO = optimized product listing description = more visibility = more sales.

Be sure to check out our guide to user-experience for CRO and SEO for more information and practical steps you can apply to your Amazon listing SEO too.

3. Highlighting Your Product’s Benefits

Another simple Amazon conversion hack is to focus on your product’s benefits.

If you want shoppers to buy your products, then you need to show how your product benefits them.

Obvious, right?

Meanwhile, most people get caught up on focusing on product features, instead of the benefits.

Ideally, you’d like to include both in your Amazon product description.

Features to qualify buyers so people know what they’re buying (e.g. “25 Feet HDMI cable.”).

Benefits to convince them they need this product and give them the extra nudge to make the purchase (“can reach across most rooms, ideal for events.”).

You need to demonstrate how your product can help shoppers.

To get started with that consider these questions:

  1. What problems do your shoppers have?
  2. How does your product resolve that problem?
  3. What makes your product a better solution than your competitor’s?

Then, consider some of our proven conversion rate optimization strategies too. Things like scarcity, social proof, and trust badges can also help greatly with boosting sales from your Amazon products.

4. Designing a Product Pricing That Converts

Your pricing is an important part of your product conversion strategy.

Too low and potential customers might have some doubts.

Too high and people might click off to find cheaper competitors.

It’s like asking if $150 is cheap or expensive?

The answer?

“Well, it depends on the product.”

Then, your brain might come up with a comparable product as a price anchor.

It turns out you can plant this anchor in your customer’s brain too.

To find the sweet spot for your product’s pricing that boosts your conversion rate, consider some proven pricing page strategies that convert, such as:

  • Using a 3-tiered pricing strategy.
  • Highlighting a preferred pricing option.
  • Continue making A/B tests in your pricing to boost your conversions.
  • Interviewing your customers and ask how much they’d be willing to pay for your product. Consider doing competitive research too.
  • Reduce anxiety and add trust signals to get more people to buy.

5. Consider Promoting Your Amazon Products With PPC

Finally, promoting your Amazon products via ads and PPC is another technique for boosting your conversion rate.

With PPC, you can create ads for your products and brand. You can also maximize your real estate in search results, as paid ads appear at the top of search results.

So, this should be the final step of your conversion rate optimization journey, once you’re done optimizing your product description, writing clear benefits, and adding high-quality pictures.

Amazon offers a few advertising options:

  • Sponsored brands – To advertise 3 products and appear at the top of search results.
  • Sponsored product ads – To advertise one product and appear above organic search results. 
  • Product display ads – To advertise one product and appear on product detail pages.

The main advantage of PPC is that you only pay per click. You don’t pay for impressions or when a shopper sees your ad. This feature can help maximize your ad spend and boost your ROI too.


So, to recap, let’s go over some of the top questions when it comes to Amazon conversion rate optimization.

  • What is a good Amazon conversion rate?

On average, a good conversion rate is around 9.55-15%. This, however, doesn’t take into consideration any additional factors which might make your conversion rate acceptable or not. Additionally, the conversion rate differs from industry to industry. So, your conversion rate should be analyzed within the proper context.

  •  How do I increase my Amazon conversion rate?

To optimize Amazon product listings as well as improve your conversion rate, you can:

  1. Optimize your product headline for a higher clickthrough rate.
  2. Write thorough product descriptions, content, keywords, and do regular SEO maintenance to see what’s working.
  3. Highlight your product’s benefits in your bullet points through clever copywriting.
  4. Design a product pricing system that makes sense for your customers and offer them a few options when making a purchase.
  5. Consider promoting your products with Amazon PPC ads so you get more real estate when listing your products.
  • How do I find my Amazon conversion rate?

To find your Amazon conversion rate, you can:

  1. Open your main Amazon menu and go to Reports.
  2. Click Business Reports. Under Business Reports, click on Detailed Page Sales and Traffic by Parent Item under By ASIN category.
  3. Next, write down your Total Order Items number for the product you’re interested in, and divide that by the number of your Sessions, including those who left and returned.

In other words, the formula to calculate your Amazon product conversion rate is:

Conversion Rate = (Total Orders)/(Total Product Listing Sessions)

But it’s important not to lose track of your own eCommerce website conversion rate.

Get started on your CRO journey today!

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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eCommerce Case Study – 49.4% Increase in Paid Membership Sign-ups

eCommerce Case Study – 49.4% Increase in Paid Membership Sign-ups

The Website:

Today’s conversion optimization case study is for a unique Membership eCommerce store called dScryb, where you can purchase boxed text called “scenes”, which describe various characters, places, spells, and other observations within the fantasy worlds of Role Playing Games. 

These assist players in bringing scenes to life, with the descriptions written by award-winning writers who have carefully crafted each high quality text. Scenes are organised into collections with similar elements. 

dScryb currently offers a selection of free scenes available to everyone, with the ability to purchase and subscribe to particular collections, or the option of becoming a Hero subscriber in which you have access to everything. 

What We Tested And Why:

For this test, we wanted to see whether we could improve the rate of paid membership sign-ups by adding call-to-action buttons in the search results. 

dScryb has a widely used search feature, where users can enter a subject and be shown any related scene listings below. 

The Control version had the following factors as potential conversion barriers:

  • The search results had no clear call-to-action buttons. Users needed to click the listing title as the next step. 
  • The listings didn’t state whether a search result was free or accessible, depending on the visitor’s membership level.
  • When a user clicked an item that was restricted to them (either they have not yet signed up for an account, or they needed to upgrade to a higher tiered account), they would be shown an error notification asking them to go to the store page so they could sign up or upgrade their account.

The Control version is shown below:

The error notification for restricted content is shown below:

Our Test Variant included the following changes:

  • Each search result had a clear call-to-action button.
  • The call-to-action button indicated what actions a user could take based on their account level (i.e. Show Full Test or Unlock Access)
  • Since the available action was already stated in the search result, the error message was no longer necessary and was removed. Users were redirected straight to the store page. 

The Test Variant is shown below:

The Test Details:

This test was run on desktop and mobile using VWO (our preferred testing software), with traffic split equally between the control and the variant. 

During the test period there were 20,000 visitors to the website.

The test was run for 17 days and reached a 98% confidence level. 

The Test Results:

The following results are for desktop and mobile combined.

We saw a 24% increase in call-to-action clicks from the search results page. 

With an impressive 49.4% increase in paid membership sign-ups

This translated to a 23.8% increase in revenue per visitor

Are you ready to increase your conversion rate on your own website?

Why not claim our free CRO audit that can increase your conversions anywhere from 20-100+%? 

Answer a few questions and we’ll send over the personalized audit by email!

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Improve Your Conversion Rate Optimization With This CRO Checklist

Improve Your Conversion Rate Optimization With This CRO Checklist

Doing conversion rate optimization and not sure where to start?

Or maybe you’re just looking for a practical list of conversion elements to test on your landing page?

Hopefully, our conversion rate optimization checklist can help you out.

One common school of thought in the world of conversion rate optimization is that the more things you can identify to A/B test on your site – the better.

At the same time, you should be identifying elements to test that make a difference and can bump up the conversion rate considerably. Instead of making small, minor changes (like a different hue color of a button), one-by-one that can only improve your CR ever so slightly.

Across industries, the average landing page conversion rate is around 2.35%. Yet, the top 25% are converting at 5.31% or higher. Ideally, you want to break into the top 10% – where the conversion rate can go as high as up to 11.45%+.

landing page cro statistics

If you need more concrete information and a benchmark, consider looking into the average conversion rate for your industry.

And as you might have guessed – the only way to get there is through constant CRO tests and refining your offer until you struck gold.

Now, yes, it’s true. There are a lot of factors and elements you need to take into account when doing conversion rate optimization. 

But hopefully, this checklist can save you a lot of trouble by providing a super actionable approach to CRO. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • General Landing Page Optimization Checklist
  • SaaS Conversion Rate Optimization Checklist
  • eCommerce Optimization Checklist
  • Conversion Rate Optimization Audit

Feel free to jump ahead to your industry section if you’re looking for something more specific

General Landing Page Optimization Checklist

First things first – let’s take a look at some best practices for general landing page conversion rate optimization.

Most landing page layouts use the following structure:

  • A main headline and a supporting headline (hero section).
  • Strong offer or unique selling proposition (USP).
  • The benefits of what you’re offering.
  • Image, video, or GIFs showing the context of use or live examples).
  • Lead magnet.
  • Social proof.
  • Reinforcing statement.
  • Final CTA.

Obviously, some of these elements are optional. So, you shouldn’t try and cram your landing page with as much information as possible.

Here’s our take on the hero section while clearly illustrating the benefits of working with us.

convertica hero section landing page

Here’s a practical checklist for landing page optimization, as to what your landing page should include:

  • A clean website design that follows the best user-experience practices.
  • Uses a catchy headline and A/B test meaningful elements.
  • Uses social proof (e.g. featured on certain websites or past client reviews).
  • Elaborates on your services and benefits of working with you.
  • Shows past experience and results.
  • Multiple CTAs.
  • Case studies and live examples of your work.
  • More detailed overview of your services and examples.
  • SEO optimized.
  • Valuable lead magnet that captures a prospect’s email and stops them from leaving.
  • Elements are spread out and not cluttered (from a UX best practice perspective).
  • Your landing page passes the 5 second test (consider heatmaps too).
  • Your landing page uses whitespace and blank-space around focus elements.
  • No unnecessary links.
  • Easy to follow through with final CTA.

Check out some of our other general conversion rate optimization strategies for more info on best practices and other things you should keep in mind.

Consider doing a full page audit of your landing page with the above in mind too. More on this later. 

Now, let’s take a look at some other CRO best practices for other industries.

SaaS Conversion Rate Optimization Checklist

A lot of SaaS conversion rate optimization comes down to knowing your target audience and having a strong, irresistible offer

Arguably, there are more CRO elements in a SaaS landing page than other industries. From design choices, pricing models, checkout process, freemium plan vs. upsells, and so much more.

Basecamp, in particular, has often been applauded for having a strong SaaS landing page.

basecamp saas landing page cro

Here’s a checklist that takes into consideration most proven SaaS elements in your layout:

  • Header – Explain what the product does with a clear CTA. Brief description and preview to show the SaaS tool in use.
  • Initial social proof – Logos of companies using your product and/or some stats that make a difference.
  • The problem – Explain the problem, common pain points of your audience, and how you solve it. 
  • How it works and solution – What’s the solution to the product you mentioned, explain how it works, give a brief overview and a few steps of the process.
  • Reinforcing the benefits – What’s unique about the product, benefits, and other features your competitors don’t have.
  • More social proof – Consider testimonials or direct quotes here of how your product made a difference (e.g. increased productivity, sales, etc.).
  • Final and/or alternative CTA – Can be a link to your demo, article, lead magnet, or anything that can convert your target audience long term.

Need more info on SaaS landing pages and how to increase your sales conversion rate?

Check out Pedro Cortes’ landing page breakdowns for more practical CRO examples in the SaaS industry.

eCommerce Optimization Checklist

Same with eCommerce, there’s a lot that can go into your website audit checklist.

Especially considering your eCommerce SEO, product pages, checkout process, and so on.

Depending on your time and budget, you can probably test up to 100+ CRO elements on your landing page alone. From your homepage UX to different copywriting elements.

But for the sake of brevity, let’s take a look at a checklist for the main elements on your landing page:

  • Establish credibility. Does your site look trustworthy? What do other customers say? Is there a way to know the site is legit? (i.e. not dropship-y).
  • Solidify brand message. Visitors need to know your business is worth their time and that you’ve got what they’re looking for.
  • Follow the best UX/UI practices.
  • Include the essential elements that remove any objections and doubts. E.g. free shipping, money back guarantee, safe payment, brand boosters, etc.
  • Strong offer, email promotion, and lead magnet for first-time visitors. Consider exit-intent popups too.
  • Seasonal promotions if applicable.
  • AfterPay (to split your payments) and different payment options.
  • Different security badges and trust signals.
  • Perfected CTA (see 15+ CTA examples).
  • Improve and test higher-quality product images on your landing page.
  • Test font-size, line-height, lifestyle vs. product images.
  • Optimized and improved page load speed.
  • Best eCommerce navigation practices.

There’s a lot that goes into eCommerce conversion rate optimization. Check out our case study to see how we achieved a 100%+ increase in conversion in 3 months for a supplement website for more info on what goes on behind the scenes.

Conversion Rate Optimization Audit

Hope you found the above checklists helpful!

Now, to recap:

  • What is a conversion audit?

A conversion audit (or CRO audit) is a 360-assessment of your website to improve your conversion rate. It’s like looking at each element of your website with a magnifying glass to see what can be improved so you start getting more leads from your traffic. Usually, a conversion audit focuses on the end-to-end customer experience while also looking at the website’s analytics to find what can be improved.

  • How do you do a CRO audit?

When doing a CRO audit, our process is usually as follows:

  1. Set goals and objectives.
  2. Focus on which pages to optimize based on importance and priority (e.g. homepage, product page, email opt-in, etc.).
  3. Do customer analysis (the who, what, where, and when.). Use heat maps and do customer surveys or interviews to analyze the target audience.
  4. Evaluate the landing page layout and design and see what can be improved.
  5. Collect data from the analysis, start making CRO changes, and track results of the experiment. Based on that, make a decision on what to change or A/B test.
  • What is the conversion rate optimization formula?

To calculate your conversion rate optimization percentage, all you have to do is divide the number of conversions on your site by the total number of visitors. Then, multiply that number by 100. In other words:

Conversion rate = (conversion/total visitors) * 100

Now, you should have a much better understanding of what goes behind a conversion rate audit and hopefully, the above optimization checklists can help you get started.

Alternatively, why not take the load off your shoulders and let us handle the CRO part of your business?

To get started, you can just claim a free, custom CRO audit with no strings attached to learn how your website conversion rate can be increased and what you can do to start getting more leads from your traffic.

See you soon!

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Conversion Optimization Round-up – August 2021

Conversion Optimization Round-up – August 2021

Would you want to know if I told you there was a way to get more conversions, attract more customers, and put more money in your pocket? That’s what we thought you would say. Today, we will break down some amazing articles from some of the most reputable companies in the market, companies making the right moves, the moves that make waves.

We will share some tips for writing a good product description to get consumers to notice you. What mistakes are you still making on your landing page? We have that list for you. Next, we want you to check out the ultimate handbook on writing the perfect call-to-action from VWO; let’s start maximizing your website conversions. Furthermore, Guess the Test shares with us their experiment if you should use a padlock or not. And finally, Widerfunnel gives you six factors to increase your conversion rate. Yes, we agree this is quite the lineup. Let’s get those conversion rates up! That’s the goal, right?

Tips for Writing a Good Product Description for eCommerce Websites

Invesp has compiled tips for writing a good product description for your eCommerce websites. Knowing the amount of effort and time you put into your business, it must be frustrating when you do not see that effort translated into the conversions you want. There could be many reasons, but the one Invesp has noticed recently is your description to the consumers. Does the description you currently have entice them?

This article will also ask you some good questions to consider. Does your description include these essential details such as:

  • Price,
  • Shipping costs,
  • Product availability,
  • Product specifications (e.g., color, size)
  • Product features etc.

This article will also help you determine the right keywords to use by asking about keyword difficulty, search volume, and related terms. Knowing your audience is key to determining how to describe your eCommerce website in a description that grabs hold of your consumers.

According to Julia McCoy:

“The whole point of search is to help users find exactly what they’re looking for. If your product descriptions align with this goal, you’re going to please Google and rank well. “

This article is filled with useful tips such as enticing with storytelling, using both features and benefits and writing a scannable copy. These are just some of the tips to start implementing today. This article is not to miss.

Invespcro (

The Top Landing Page Mistakes You’re Still Making in 2021 (and How to Fix ‘Em)

Do you feel you’re listening to all the advice, making necessary changes, and following what the pros are doing, yet still don’t have the conversions you want?  It could be possible you are making some critical mistakes. The latest article from Unbounce is here to lay out some of the top mistakes eCommerce websites are making and how to find the right balance for you and your company.

We won’t dive into them all here, but some of these critical mistakes include driving all your traffic to one generic landing page. Does this sound like you? Ever heard the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” This is what you are doing when you only have one generic landing page. Not everyone is the same; you need to tailor different landing pages to appeal to different users. According to HubSpot research, companies with 31-40 landing pages get seven times as many leads as companies with only 1-5 different pages. We know that seems like a lot but remember, small steps in the right direction will eventually get you there.

Another huge mistake eCommerce businesses make is to try to close on cold audiences. You need to pre-heat the oven before you can stick the turkey in. One huge mistake Unbounce found was too many landing pages are designed as tools for closing the deal. The goal of your landing page when reaching out to new consumers should be to familiarize them with your brand. Don’t be the company that scares them away before they even get a chance to know you.

Here is an example from Industrial Strength Marketing. They offer you a chance to get to know them by offering you free knowledge in the form of an ebook. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and not have your new visitor run for the hills.

Unbounce (

The Ultimate Handbook on Writing the Perfect Call-To-Action

Too many marketing teams neglect the CTA’s (call-to-action) across their platforms. VWO shares that more than 70% of small business websites lack a CTA on their homepage, and of those companies that do, many don’t know how to formulate them properly. That’s what this handbook is all about—teaching you how to utilize CTAs to promote more conversions. That’s what it’s all about, right?

This article explains the different types of CTA’s and where to use them, as well as teaches you six ways to write a persuasive CTA. (For an in-depth explanation, see VWO’s article in full)

  1. Using action words in the copy is a must
  2. Stir up those emotions
  3. Creativity is key
  4. Take your audience to the land of promises
  5. Play with colours and choose the best size
  6. Appeal to their FOMO

Did you know colour is one of the biggest overlooked factors when designing your CTA’s? According to a study by Emma, 85% of people purchase a specific product or service based on colour.


Is it not time to stand out from the crowd and get more conversions?

Guess the Test – With or without the padlock icon?

Once again, Guess the Test is providing us with the results from their in-depth testing. This time, should you include the padlock icon or not?  Now, we don’t want to give away the results, but let’s just say your guess on the experiment’s outcome is probably right.

The padlock icon is an easily understood, relatable image we have come to trust. It’s confidence-boosting; it gives us a sense of security knowing we are in good hands. Giving your consumers reassurance is one of the easiest ways to make conversions.

GuessTheTest (

Take a look and see the results from another in-depth test from Guess the Test to see just why this icon is so important.


Use These Six Factors to Increase Your Conversion Rate – The LIFT™ Model

Using LIFT™, a Landing Page Influence Function for Tests is an optimization framework developed for WiderFunnel to analyze conversion pages and develop test hypotheses; you will be able to increase your conversion rate by simply following this article.

Widerfunnel (

These are the six factors to use to increase your conversions rates.

  1. Value Proposition
  2. Relevance
  3. Clarity
  4. Anxiety
  5. Distraction
  6. Urgency

Widerfunnel recently began working with, a free personal financial management service, and used the LIFT™ method to evaluate their homepage. This article goes into detail about the 18 factors identified as priorities for testing. Does your landing page have some of these same errors? If so, they explain how to fix them easily so you can start having a better conversion rate today.

This new LIFT™ model is proven to deliver results to everyone, don’t miss out.

This month we sure have given you lots to look over and consider. What small or large steps are you taking this month to get more conversions?

Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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Calculate Your eCommerce Conversion Rate Formula Included!

Calculate Your eCommerce Conversion Rate Formula Included!



Wondering how to calculate conversion rate for your eCommerce website?

Here is the basic conversion rate formula;

Your conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors to your site. Then, multiplied by 100.

Conversion Rate Formula: Conversion rate = (conversion/total visitors) * 100

So, for example, let’s say your eCommerce site is getting 1,000 visitors in a month, and from that number, 50 total number of conversions (or sales). This means your conversion rate is 50 divided by 1,000 and then multiplied by 100. So, it’s 5%.

Generally speaking, the higher your average conversion rates – the better. Because you’re getting more bang for your buck per traffic.

Through a Conversion rate optimization audit, you could even bump up your conversion rates from 5% to 7% (as an example). This may not seem like a high increase, but you’d be getting on average 70 conversions instead of 50 per month from the same amount of traffic.

A higher conversion rate leads to exponential growth and can really increase your revenue for your eCommerce business or your general marketing funnel over time.

And the best part is you can launch a successful conversion rate optimization audit one time and reap the rewards of having higher conversion rates for years to come.

But we’re getting off track here.

If you’re wondering how to calculate your eCommerce conversion rate formula – it’s not as simple as just dividing your conversion rates by your visitors.

There are a few other conversion rate optimization audit concepts and strategies you need to know about so you know what you’re looking at within your data and how to boost your rate.

Conversion Rate Topics:

  • How to Track and Calculate Your eCommerce Conversion Rates
  • What Is a Good eCommerce Conversion Rate
  • 3 Essential Tips to Increase Your eCommerce Conversion Rates (From Proven Conversion rate optimization Principles)

So, let’s take a look at some other ways you can increase the conversion rate measures for your eCommerce store, optimize your eCommerce checkout process and other concepts you need to know about.

analysis, analytics, business

How to Track and Calculate Your eCommerce Conversion Rate



Tracking your conversion rate allows you to measure the performance of your top web pages and apps.

For eCommerce, for example, it would be nice to know which of your pages are converting the most, where your visitors are going from your landing page, and what you can do to improve other product pages.

It goes without saying that knowing what works and what doesn’t is extremely important in any business. Ideally, it should be backed up by data and not guesswork or assuming a landing page converts just because it looks good.

You’ll also want to know what’s performing better when you make changes and what’s worse.

This is the basis of A/B testing.

Now, you know how to calculate the conversion rate – but how do you actually TRACK it or find that much-needed data?

Let’s take a look.

How to track your eCommerce conversion rate with Google Analytics

  1. Log into Analytics.
  2. Click the cog icon at the bottom left corner and go to your admin settings.
  3. On the right, click Goals, where you’ll configure a new goal to track.



4. For goal setup, you can use a custom one or follow a pre-made template.



5. Next, you’ll want to set up a goal description.

Give the goal a name and select the type of goal you want to track (examples above):

  • The Destination goal – Measures every visit to an URL on your page.
  • The Duration goal – How long visitors stay on your site per session.
  • The pages or screens per visit – How many pages a person visits before leaving your site. Another measure of engagement.
  • The Event goal – When a visitor performs a specific desired action that you set like watching a video, clicking a button, sharing a post, etc.


 analytic goal templates

Next, click continue and go to the third step, which is the conversion goal details. This is your desired action.

With this setup, you pick a URL that indicates success or conversion.

For example, when a visitor arrives at a “thank you page” on your website, this means they’ve submitted their email (converted through an opt-in form). So, you can write /thanks.html as the URL of the page to track conversions.

Finally, once you’ve set up your conversion goals, here’s where you can find the conversion rate for your eCommerce store in Analytics:

  1. Click Conversions>Goals>Overview.
  2. Here, you’ll see the conversion rate for your different goals.
  3. The page defaults to the average conversion of all goals. So, if you have more than one goal, you can choose to see that specific conversion rate, depending on the goal.

You can also see other important information in this section of Analytics, such as:

  • Goal URL – The URL where your visitors converted. E.g. email opt-in.
  • Reverse Goal Paths – The steps your visitors took before converting. E.g. to see which pages result in conversions the most.
  • Funnel Visualization – Data visualized if you did an initial funnel set up of your goal.

There are plenty of online eCommerce conversion rate calculator tools out there. But they calculate your rate based on the data you input from Analytics.

So, it’s always better to check your conversion rate through Analytics, as it’ll be more accurate too.

Depending on the platform or what you’re tracking though, most media buying channels will have their own conversion metrics and other info you can track on their respective sites.

Such as:

  • Google Ads and PPC.
  • Analytics.
  • Facebook ads.
  • Twitter ads.
  • Pinterest or Snapchat ads.
  • And many more.

Now that you know how to calculate and track the conversion rate for your eCommerce store, here’s what you can do with that info.

ecommerce, shopping, credit card

What Is a Good eCommerce Conversion Rate

As you might have guessed, a good eCommerce conversion rate varies from industry to industry. It also depends on a ton of varying things – like where the traffic is coming from, what you’re selling, your ads, etc.

With that said, the average conversion rate for eCommerce is around 1%-2%, according to Growcode, 2021.

Which sounds low, right?

But this is just the average. It’s interesting because computer software and video game eCommerce stores have an average conversion rate of a whopping 61% in the 90th percentile. While the mean is 19.5%


average ecommerce industry conversion rate statistics

Source: MarketingSherpa

So, either way, you should be aiming for more than the average 2%+ conversion rate, at the very least.

Which is more than possible.

How do you do that?

There are a number of ways to increase your eCommerce conversion rate.

Let’s take a look at a few eComm tips we’ve learned from experience.

store, online, ecommerce

3 Essential Tips to Increase Your eCommerce Conversion Rate (From Proven CRO Principles)

eCommerce conversion rate is simple on paper.

When a person visits your online store, they want to know what they’re getting into.

And it’s your job to remove any technological or other kinds of challenges between them and buying your products from you.

A lot of this comes down to knowing the right customers and doing a lot of CRO tests.

1. Make your eCommerce store understandable at a glance

According to UX-based research, most people stay on websites for under 10 seconds (realistically 4-5).

To gain several minutes of their attention, you must clearly communicate your value proposition in seconds.

At a glance, your website visitors need to know:

  • They’re in the right place.
  • That you’re selling the right products they’re looking for.

Your goal is to illustrate this with smart copywriting and web design. Though, of course, this will also depend on your customer’s buyer’s stage and where the traffic is coming from.


conversion rate optimization buyer stages

Source: HubSpot

If a customer is on the awareness stage, then you should be seeking to educate them – instead of bombarding them with eCommerce discounts or other FOMO and scarcity tactics.

They’re not interested in buying just yet.

2. Reduce friction and anxiety

To add to the above, online shopping comes with a lot of doubts, fears, and insecurities.

People trust bigger eCommerce brands from word-of-mouth and social proof in digital marketing efforts.

But do they know about your own brand? How can you get people to trust your brand if they know nothing about you?

A few ways, actually:

  • You can use third-party social proof conversions.
  • You can display essential customer support information and trust badges to show everything is safe and sound to purchase from your landing pages.
  • Optimize and test your Add to Cart button. Your shopping cart web page should be optimized for user experience and ease of access.

ecommerce, application, buy

3. Optimize the checkout process so it’s easy for customers to give you money

Or in other words – make it easy as possible for potential clients to part with their money.

Sounds obvious, right?

But you’d be surprised at the many eCommerce checkout processes that make the customer jump through hoops just to give the online store their money.

The checkout process can be the most stressful part of the online shopping experience. Your job is to make it as easy and smooth as possible for them.

After all, parting with your money isn’t necessarily easy or fun.

Look at things from their perspective. They’re ready to buy from you, only to find out they have to:

  1. Register on your site first.
  2. Fill out a long web form with all their contact info.
  3. Then they find out you don’t accept their preferred payment method.
  4. Shipping’s going to take weeks and total product costs extra.

Obviously, they’ll have clicked off at this point.

Just to show the severity of this problem – the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is 69.80% (source).

Here are the top reasons for top checkout abandonments.


ecommerce reason for abandonment during checkout

Source: Baymard

Looking for more tips on how to increase your eCommerce conversion rate?

Check out our eCommerce conversion optimization case study which is also full of practical tips and step-by-steps.

After 3 months, we achieved a 100%+ increase in conversions for a health-based eCommerce company and share all the variations and live examples of what went behind that change in the article.


So, to recap:

  • How do you calculate the conversion rate formula

To calculate your conversion rate formula, divide the number of conversions by the total number of website visitors on your page. Then, multiply by 100.

That is to say, Conversion rate = (conversion/total visitors) * 100. For example, if 100 people visited your eCommerce store and 10 of them converted, your conversion rate would be 10%.

That is the simplest way to calculate conversion rate.

  • What is a typical campaign conversion rate for eCommerce?

The average conversion rate for eCommerce stores is around 1%-2%. For most online store industries, this rate falls between the 10th to 25th percentile. So, through a proper CRO audit, you should be aiming for a conversion rate of well over 2%.

  • How does Analytics calculate conversion rate?

According to Google, they calculate conversion rate by dividing the number of conversions by the number of total ad interactions that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period. The goal conversion rate is calculated as the number of goal conversions divided by the number of sessions, times 100.

Ready to increase your own eCommerce conversion rate?

Why not claim our free CRO audit that can increase your conversions anywhere from 20-100+%?

Answer a few questions and we’ll send over the personalized audit by email!

See you soon!


Author: Kurt Philip

Hi, I’m Kurt Philip, the founder & CEO of Convertica. I live and breathe conversion rate optimization. I hope you enjoy our findings.

We’ve worked with over 1000 businesses in the last 6 years.
Let’s jump on a quick call to see how we can help yours.

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