Conversion Optimization Round-up – December 2021
Closing out the year, we have an informative line-up of articles for you. First, a stand-out experiment from Guess the Test, asking what landing page design radically increased conversions by over 300%!
Next, we bring you an article from the Marketing Sherpa about Conversion Rate Optimization tools, with five real-life case studies to help get you on the right track.
VWO shares a user guide into A/B testing. What is it? How to do it, and why? And finally, this month, a fascinating article from Invesp diving into 5 difficult questions you should know the answers to but might not.
Let’s break these down a little further.
Guess the Test- Which Design Increased Conversions By Over 300%?
This month Guess the Test compares Version A – Landing page featuring icons with skimmable text with Version B – Radically redesigned landing page focused on a benefit-based copy. Can you believe one over the other had an increase of 336%!?
We don’t want to give away the answer, but let’s say we got this one right. Did you?
Marketing Case Studies with Brands That Used 5 Types of CRO Tools
The Marketing Sherpa starts their article with a simple question, what is a conversion rate optimization tool? It seems like a simple question however, far too many don’t have a more in-depth answer. It is so much more than just A/B testing.
The Marketing Sherpa shares case studies from companies using 5 types of CRO tools. One case study shares how a circuit board manufacturer increased conversion rates by 17% by simply optimizing for specific device types.
We found the case study about an e-commerce business that moved away from discounts to increase profits by $17,500 eye-opening. Like always, the Marketing Sherpa knows how to put a case study together.
A Guide to User Testing
This latest article from VWO breaks A/B testing down for us.
We get answers about what A/B user testing really is? 3 steps to conducting impactful user testing, and how a well-run user test can drive conversions. This one comes with some great examples not to be missed.
One of the steps described is about using the right audience for your testing. Are these people my core audience? What is my demographic? This article is well written, easy to follow, and is sure to help you get on the right track.
5 Difficult CRO Questions you Should Know
In this article from Invesp, they break down 5 difficult conversion rate optimization questions you should have the answers for.
Questions such as does more traffic mean more conversions? And what’s the hardest thing about experimentation?
They also discuss what a reasonable uplift is after running a successful CRO program. What can you expect? You put in all the hard work, now you need to know if it’s working. They will lay it all out for you in this great article.
In Summary
Between VWO offering us a guide to user testing, the Marketing Sherpa with case studies all about companies using CRO to maximize returns, and Invesp asking some tough questions, this month allows you opportunities for some real growth.
As we close out the year, we hope 2021 brought your business growth and insight. We thrive on offering you the best of the best and will continue to do so in the coming year.
So what changes are you going to be implementing this month?
Until next year.
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